- The two novelists, Xiaoxiaosheng and David Herbert Lawrence, both negated the dominating culture of their own times, and hinted that it was a waning one. 笑笑生和劳伦斯都否定了各自时代占统治地位的文化 ,并揭示它们为衰亡文化。
- The dominant culture group in the United States is British Americans. 在美国处于主导地位的文化群体是英裔美国人。
- The paper discusses proverbs that reflect the American dominant culture. 本文列举了反映美国主流文化的大量谚语。
- And the dominant culture,reflecting the politics and economy,was feudal culture. 而为这种政治和经济之反映的占统治地位的文化,则是封建的文化。
- Subgroups: are groups with which the dominant culture does not agree and with which it has communicating problems. 亚群体:指与主流文化不一致并且与主流文化有交际障碍的人类群体。
- Family culture is the dominant culture in family enterprises, and it has a frequent influence on various behaviors in the family enterprise. 摘要家文化是在家族企业中占主导地位的企业文化,始终影响着企业的各种组织行为。
- What's more, she deconstructs the writing tradition of male center, reflecting her ideal of demolishing the dominant culture of "phallus". 更在自己创造的文本中,有意识地解构了以男性为中心的书写传统,显现出力图颠覆“菲勒斯”中心文化的理想光辉。
- Slang is an active linguistic constituent of English, which has entered dominant culture from cant, jargon, and argot of different sub-cultures. 俚语是英语中较为活跃的语言成分,它从大量不同亚文化的黑话、行话及暗语中溢出而进入主流文化。
- Subculture: are groups of people possessing characteristic traits that set apart and distinguish them from others within a larger society or dominant culture. 亚文化:指据有能在更大的一个社会范围内或主流文化中使自身有别于他人这种特点的人类群体。
- In these artificial neighborhoods, there is a sense of careless sprawl in an car dominated culture that ineffectually tries to create the more organically grown older communities. 这种小城市的形成,**家说是一种发展,商家说这是一种生意,有些人说这是家。
- Communication based on trust,respect,and a willingness to reexamine assumptions allows patients to express aspects of their concerns that may run counter to the dominant culture. 基于信任、尊重和自愿回访的交流,允许病人表述他们的顾虑和担忧,这些顾虑和担忧也许与主流文化是背道而驰的。
- Many of the non-Kazakh people have met attempts by the government to make Kazakh the central, dominant culture of Kazakhstan with disdain and quiet, non-violent resistance. 许多非哈萨克人符合政府企图使哈中央,主流文化的哈萨克斯坦蔑视和安静,非暴力抵抗。
- Naturalization of a new culture is always faster among the young. 对新文化的采纳在年轻人中总是快一些。
- He was one of the apostles of the new culture. 他曾是新文化的倡导者之一。
- She demonstrates the vulnerability of the Afro-American mother who bears the crushing weight of history and the destructive attitude of the dominant culture on the body and psyche. 她展示了美国非洲裔母亲在历史重压下的脆弱以及主流文化带给他们身心的伤害。 她所塑造的母亲形象十分复杂,通常具有一些令读者困惑不解的反面的品质或特点。
- She has a dominating and over protective mother. 她有个专制而过度保护的母亲。
- Simple and popular,concise and pithy,they will pass on for generations in the readable oral form and have gradually become a component indispensable to the dominant culture of that nation. 谚语简单通俗,精辟凝练,尤其以朗朗的口语形态承传沿用,渐渐成为该民族主流文化不可缺少的一部分。
- He is dominating and active in manner. 他有领导作风而且能采取主动。
- Now he is in his glory, dominating the scene. 这是他最得意的时光,整个场面由他控制。
- Greece, the cradle of Western culture. 希腊,西方文化的发源地。