- Text and graphics are printed at 300 dots per inch. 文字和插图按每英寸300个点的密度打印。
- The number of lines or dots per inch on a halftone screen. 中义半色调网屏中每英吋的线数或点数,或称网线频率。
- With printers, we often indicate a resolution in dots per inch. 对于打印机,我们常常以每英寸点数指出分辨率。
- For examining the horizontal and vertical dots per inch of the display device. 用于检查显示设备每英寸的水平点数和垂直点数。
- If the image is over 900 dots per inch (dpi), it will be saved at 900 dpi. 如果图像超过每英寸900点(DPI),则会以900 DPI保存图像。
- The Effective Resolution field displays the resolution in dots per inch (dpi). “有效分辨率”字段将以每英寸点数(dpi)为单位显示分辨率。
- For example, most laser printers have a resolution of 300 or 600 dots per inch. 例如,大多数光栅打印机都有每英寸300或600点的分辨率。
- The default resolution corresponds to a screen resolution of 96 dots per inch (dpi). 默认分辨率采用96 dpi(每英寸96点)的屏幕分辨率。
- You can customize your application to adapt to different DPI (dots per inch) pixel resolution settings. 您可以自定义应用程序,使之适应不同的DPI(每英寸点数)像素分辨率设置。
- You sometimes may see picture resolution expressed as dots per inch (dpi) instead of ppi. 有时,您会看到图片分辨率以每英寸点数(dpi)而非ppi表示。
- Ten points is 10/72 inch, which if you multiply by 96 dots per inch yields a result of (approximately) 13 pixels. 十点是10/72英寸,如果你用它乘以每英寸96点就会产生一个(大约)13像素的结果。
- If a positive value is specified, it specifies the number of dots per inch (DPI) and is therefore device dependent. 可是我设置了一下发现好像没有什么用,然后再在网上找了一下,发现都是将这个值设置为600,300等值,这个何道理。
- Thus, it makes sense that the video resolution (in dots per inch) be implied by the pixel size of that 10-point font. 因此,可以理解为视频分辨率(以每英寸点为单位)由10点字体的像素大小暗指。
- However, it is also a disaster when a photographer only knows number of pixels or dpi (dots per inch), but have no basic idea of photography. 各个区域传统美学的断裂日益严重,影响到网路世代的摄影美学。
- Reducing or changing the resolution can be effective with images that you have scaled to be smaller, because their dots per inch (dpi) actually increase in that case. 降低或更改分辨率对于缩小的图像很有效,因为在这种情况下,这些图像的每英寸的点数(dpi)实际上会增加。
- DPI (dots per inch) is a measurement of printer resolution, though it is commonly applied, somewhat inappropriately, to monitors, scanners and even digital cameras. 你拿去冲印出来就没问题了.;问题在于电脑屏幕分辨率;一般只有72dpi;而相片本身是300dpi的
- Digital fount (font): A typeface fount converted to digital form for storage on magnetic medium. Good resolution digital type may consist of 600 dots per cm (1500 dots per inch). 一副数码字:一副印刷字体转换为数码形式,以贮存于磁性媒体上。解像度高的数码字可由 厘米600点( 时1500点)组成。
- First we have X and Y Resolution values. These specify how detailed your image will be. This is also known as Dots Per Inch (DPI) and is crucial in printing. 首先我们有X、Y坐标值。这个决定了你的图像显示的位置。这个和每英寸点数(DPI)一样,对于印刷至关重要。
- Here's the key: When you select the small font or the large font in the Display applet of the Control Panel, you are actually selecting an assumed video display resolution in dots per inch. 这里是答案:当你在控制面板的“显示”小程序中选择小字体或大字体时,你实际上是选择一个以每英寸点的视频显示器分辩率。
- Uneven stitching per inch on bottom. 裤脚每寸针数不平均。