- Error Analysis of Pass Grinding of Y Type Rolling Machine Y型轧机孔型磨削的误差分析
- Y type rolling mill Y型轧机
- JAT OFC with Rhodium Plated Y type Speaker Terminal. 一体成型无氧铜高纯度镀铑Y型喇叭端子。
- According to the basie principles of continuous rolling, the author research the basic passes system and design method of the Y type mill for cold rolling ribbed steel wire and bar in this paper. 采用有限元模拟的方法,对比分析了两种高速线材减定径孔型系统的变形特点、轧件宽展和轧制压力变化情况。
- The continuous rolling machine has a function of automatic feeding and rods stacking stop. 连轧机具有主动喂料和堆杆停车功能。
- Notes:Weight and rotary inertia are approximate value calculated by the greatest shaft-hole dia. of Y type hole. 注:重量、转动惯量是按最大轴孔直径Y型孔计算的近似值。
- Flat Copper Conductor Making Machine (Rolling Machine) for FFC (Flexible Flat wire). 我司主要销售压延机(生产扁平导线)。
- The structural design of the working surface bearing support of a new strip cold rolling machine is intro-duced. 介绍一种新型冷轧板带轧机工作辊轴承座的结构设计,此设计可得到较大的传动轴直径。
- Method Performing theoretical and experimental stress analysis for fixing Y type femora fracture by using three different internal fixation methods. 方法:从理论和实验上对股骨Y形骨折,应用三种不同内固定方法加以固定,进行实验应力分析。
- As the output increasing, the malfunctions of the rolling machine caused by overload are also increasing. 随着生产量的上升,生产中由于超载引起的设备故障也不断增加。
- In this paper, the influence factors of spinning acetate fiber by the dry process using Y type spinneret of 0. 04-0. 03-500 holes were analysed. 本文分析了500孔Y形喷丝板于纺二醋纤的影响因素,认为在纺丝溶液中加入适量的助剂A对纺丝有利;
- Taper rolling machine: machine with squeezer, so no or little trimming to save much material. 本设备广泛应用于板簧设备生产过程中;
- The procreative blanking plug of the "Y type" pipe string has check valve function and it can conveniently for reverse circulation well cleanup. 型管柱中的生产堵塞器具有单流阀作用,可方便进行反循环洗井;同时,具有独特外泄压系统,使堵塞器打捞在压力平衡状态下进行,且密封可靠,保证所取资料的准确性。
- Our Factory newly introduced of CY180 type rolling machinery of making 8MF sheet shape product for produting GGD\ GCK\ GCS. 本厂还装备有鞍山地区独有的CY180型冷弯机组专门轧制8MF型材,供制作GGD、GCK、GCS柜选用。
- The actual load data in production is collected by calculating and analyzing the rolling load of a 630 rolling machine in a iron &steel company. 通过对某钢铁集团公司630轧机轧制负荷的计算分析,得到了轧机的实际生产负荷数据。
- A special PCR primer was used to investigate polymorphism of y type high molecular weight glutenin subunit (HMW GS) genes in common wheat, spelt wheat and Triticum compactum. 采用PCR方法对普通小麦、斯卑尔脱小麦及密穗小麦在Glu A1、Glu B1和Glu D1位点上 y型高分子量谷蛋白亚基基因的多态性进行了分析。
- Narrow Hemmer Foot: for rolled machine hem stitching. 狭窄的翻边压脚:用于卷边缝。
- Assembly welding of Shahe Hydroelectric Power Station Y type penstock manifold with crescent rib bifurcation in the tunnel is the first practice in China. 沙河水电站"Y"型内加强月牙肋钢岔管在洞内组焊,在我国尚属首例。
- Qingdao Speed Reducer Factoryis a main manufacturer of speed reducer, ring rolling machine and cross wedge rolling machine. 青岛减速机厂是山东省生产减速机、辗环机、楔横轧机的骨干企业。
- three phase half wave double y rectifier 三相半波双星形整流器