- double pulse excitation 双脉冲激励
- The statistic characteristics of single photon emission in single semiconductor quantum dot with pulse excitation have been investigated. 研究了脉冲激发下单个半导体量子点中单光子发射的统计特性.
- Table-top capillary fast discharge X-ray experiment facility is used to study the X-ray laser amplification by directly fast electric pulse excitation of gases. 桌面毛细管快放电X射线激光实验装置,是研究高压大电流放电直接激励X射线激光放大技术的快脉冲发生器。
- The dynamical response of head disk system to a half sine pulse excitation is analyzed by means of numerical method according to the dynamical equations of head disk collision under the shock excitation for the Winchester type hard disk drive. 根据winchester型硬盘驱动器在冲击载荷作用下头盘碰撞的动力学方程,利用数值模拟方法分析了在正弦半波激励条件下头盘系统的动力学响应过程。
- The RPE LTP(Regular Pulse Excitation Long Term Prediction) coder scheme recommended by ETSI(European Technology Specification Institute) is a complicated algorithm,which is already applied to GSM full rate traffic channel with encoding at 13kbit/s. ETSI 0 6 .;10规范中建议编码速率为 13kbit/ s的 RPE- L TP编码方案;是一种运算复杂的算法;用于泛欧 GSM全速率业务信道的低码率语音编码器。
- Spectroscopic Observations of Surface Flashover across an Insuator in Vacuum under Pulsed Excitation, IEEE Tram. 真空中绝缘子的沿面闪络现象.
- double pulse and square wave generator 双脉冲与方波发生器
- double pulse nanosecond oscillator 双脉冲毫微秒振荡器
- Conventional magnetic field form used in welding technology including horizontal magnetic field, vertical magnetic field and sharp-angled magnetic field, mainly excited by DC, AC and pulse excitation. 传统的外加磁场形式主要包括横向磁场,纵向磁场和尖角磁场等几种,励磁方式主要采用直流、交流以及脉冲励磁等。
- Fr functionequency-doubled double pulse laser 双频双脉冲激光
- In this paper,the mutagenic effect of HeNe laser,Nd:YAG frequency doubling pulse laser and UV on abscisic acid(ABA) producing strain was compared. 本实验对比紫外、HeNe激光、Nd:YAG倍频脉冲激光对脱落酸产生菌的诱变效果。
- Herein, nanometer multilayer copper/cobalt film was prepared on monocrystalline silicon surface by electrodeposition under double pulsed potential. 采用双脉冲控电位技术在单晶硅上沉积铜/钴纳米多层膜。
- Using the triangle pulse as the substitute of the major motion pulse,the dynamic analytical resolution of the elastic SDOF system under bi-triangle pulse excitations is presented. 利用三角脉冲作为强震主脉冲的理论简化,给出双三角脉冲作用下单自由度弹性体系的动力反应解析解;
- Frequency-doubled double pulse laser 双频激光碎石
- In the defibrillator, 80C196KC microcontroller is utilized to identify ventricular fibrillation accurately and double pulses of low energy are applied to get rid of the quivers effectively. 指出采用80c196kc单片机识别心室纤颤的病症,并采用低能量的双相脉冲技术实现去纤颤,突破了传统去纤颤器在技术与应用方面的局限性。
- He is working double tides to finish his essay. 他日夜苦干,赶写他的文章。
- I do not realize it is a double feature. 我原先不知道这是双片连映。
- Double agents live in a perpetual state of fear. 两面派永远过着提心吊胆的生活。
- I want a double room with a view. 我要一间能看到风景的双人房间。
- He was so fat that he had a double chin. 他胖得有双下巴了。