- According to the storage capacity and the efficiency of data transfer between internal and external memory, double buffering technique is used in the memory organization of H.264 decoder. 本文在充分考虑了DSP片内存储资源和片内、外数据调度问题的基础上;提出了一种基于双缓存结构的H.
- The technology in memory mapping and double buffering is also used. Finally,the system gains a good performance in data transferring on PCI bus. 以DM642作为PCI主设备控制并启动DMA数据传输,给出了主DMA模式下数据传输系统的实现结构及工作流程,并配合内存映射、双缓冲等方法,取得了良好的数据传输性能。
- Object and causes any buffered data to be written to the output stream. 对象的所有缓冲区并使所有缓冲的数据写入到输出流。
- Press enter for local data transfer. 按下确认键进行局部数据转移。
- Experience of a range of data transfer methods. 对数据传输方法有经验。
- The HTTP data transfer method used by the client. 客户端使用的HTTP数据传输方法。
- Implements a basic data transfer mechanism. 实现基数据传输机制。
- UDT is an Internet data transfer protocol. UDT是一种互联网数据传输协议。
- Function flushes output buffered and any other buffered data to the Web browser. 函数会把缓冲的输出和其他缓冲的数据刷新到Web浏览器。
- Calling Close on a Stream flushes any buffered data, essentially calling Flush for you. 在Stream上调用Close将刷新所有经过缓冲处理的数据,本质上是为您调用了Flush。
- And it can dynamically switch the display mode between with double buffered and without double buffered technique to watch the difference. 可以在有双缓冲技术和无双缓冲技术间动态切换,以查看显示效果的区别。
- However, with Linux caching, you are essentially double buffering the data. 然而,通过Linux缓存,实质上是双重地缓冲数据。
- When an ingress or egress packet is processed by the routing subsystem, it initializes two routines in the buffer data structure. 当一个进入或输出的信息包被路由子系统处理的时候,它设定缓冲数据结构的二个常式初值。
- Furthermore, it was found that we could use the GaN/ SiN double buffer to achieve more reliable nitride-based LEDs. 此外,如果氮化镓/化硅双缓冲层合并于磊晶结构中,此氮基础的发光二极体其可靠度被证实可以有实质上的改善。
- This algorithm can deal with the delay of data transfer. 该算法具有处理数据传输延迟功能,符合实际。
- In fourth chapter we focus on the construction of the client-server model and the double buffer technology. 第三章主要侧重于网络传输的基础,第四章主要侧重于客户-服务器模型的构建,以及双缓冲技术。
- Network packet size used for information and data transfer. 用于信息和数据的网络包的大小。
- In the previous example, a non-blocking receive was performed once the zero-byte receive completes retrieving the buffered data. 在前一个例子中,在接收0字节回执和取缓冲区数据的操作时,服务器除于非阻塞模式。
- Furthermore, it was found that we could use the GaN/SiN double buffer to achieve more reliable nitride-based LEDs. 此外,如果氮化镓/氮化矽双缓冲层合并于磊晶结构中,此氮基础的发光二极体其可靠度被证实可以有实质上的改善。
- Sets or returns the result of a data transfer for a data source. 设置或获取数据源对象的数据传输结果。