- doubly resonant oscillator 双共振振荡器
- The theoretical models of sigle resonant OPO(SRO for short) and doubly resonant OPO(DRO for short) were established. In the base of the nonlinear coupling wave equations,the thresholds and the conversion efficiency curves of the two models were got. 建立了单谐振OPO(简称SRO),双谐振OPO(简称DRO)理论模型,从非线性耦合波方程出发得到两种模型的振荡阂值以及转换效率曲线。
- Experimental Study of Tuning Characteristics of Doubly Resonant Quasi-Phase-Matched Optical Parametric Oscillator 双共振准相位匹配光学参量振荡器的调谐特性
- SRO (Singly Resonant Oscillator) 单共振振荡器
- DRO(dielectric resonator oscillator) has the characteristics of high frequency stability and low phase noise. 介质振荡器具有频率稳定性好,相位噪声低的特性。
- With higher-order mode (TE021 mode) of the Dielectric Resonator(DR), a parallel feedback-type Dielectric Resonator Oscillator(DRO) operating at 10.7GHz is reported. 本文采用介质谐振器(DR)的高阶模式(TE_(021)模式);研制出振荡频率为10.;7GHz的并联反馈型介质稳频振荡器(DRO)
- Chapter two and three,the principle and simulation of dielectric resonator. MESFET DRO (dielectric resonator oscillator) and amplifier are introduced. Theresults of the simulation and the design layout are given in these two chapters. 第二章和第三章介绍了介质谐振器及其仿真设计、MESFET DRO 和放大器的原理和设计,并给出了仿真结果和加工版图。
- In this paper, the design of a K-band phase-locked oscillator is presented. It uses sub-harmonic sampling phase-lock loop and push-push Dielectric Resonator Oscillator (DRO) of high quality factor to suppress its phase noise. 本文介绍了一种K波段频率源的设计方法,该频率源要求具有良好的相位噪声性能,因此采用分谐波锁相式振荡源,锁相环路中的压控振荡器采用推-推(push-push)式DRO,它可以更加有效的提高有源器件的工作频率,改善系统的噪声性能。
- The fundamental characteristics of dielectric resonators and microstrip hairpin resonators are described. An X-band dielectric resonator oscillator (DRO) and a hairpin oscillator are implemented and tested. 接着本文设计了X波段的介质谐振腔稳频振荡器(DRO)和发卡(hairpin)谐振腔振荡器,对两种振荡器进行了测试与比较。
- Design and Implementation of a Double-ended Tuning Fork Resonant Oscillator 微机械谐振器的设计及实现
- A loud, resonant, metallic sound. 铿锵声大而洪亮的金属般的声音
- Doubly resonant intra-cavity 复合腔
- I am doubly indebted to you-- for the party and for your generous gift! 你为我操办欢送会并赠送厚礼,这样的深情厚谊我铭记在心。
- A deep resonant sound, as of an explosion. 隆隆声低沉而有回响的声音,比如爆炸声
- You've got to be doubly careful when you're driving in fog. 雾天开车你得加倍小心。
- doubly resonant 双共振的
- A Ka-Band Dielectric Resonator Oscillator Ka频段介质稳频振荡器的研制
- dielectric resonance oscillator(DRO) 介质振荡器
- dielectric resonator oscillator ( DRO ) 介质稳频振荡器
- The family is doubly troubled; they have no money and now their father is ill. 那户人家真是祸不单行,他们本来就穷,现在他们的父亲又生了病。