- douppion silk crepe 双宫绉
- Hard twist ply yarn is a simple and effective type of yarn for weaving heavy silk crepe. 强捻股线是制织真丝重绉的一种简便有效的线型。
- With regard tothe 30ps No.100 Silk Crepe, however, we must regret to findourselves under the necessity of rejecting them. 对于30张100丝绸皱纹纸,我们遗憾的发现收到的货已达到拒收的要求。
- Insert the silk crepe paper: Compound wrinkle original paper and multi-layer resin material but different intensity that makes, new-type metal wrappings of the specification. 夹丝皱纹纸:是将皱纹原纸和多层树脂材料复合而制成的不同强度,规格的新型金属包装材料。
- A sheer silk or rayon crepe of dull texture. 带有暗淡起绉表面的薄而结实的丝或似丝质的布料。
- He is on the way to Pakistan via the Silk Route. 他正经由丝绸之路在去巴基斯坦的旅途上。
- What will you do with these green crepe? 你用这些绿绉纱做什么?
- She fingered the silk to feel its quality. 她摸了摸这块绸料看质量如何。
- Silk is indeed the best bet in summer clothing. 夏令服装的确以丝绸织品为最理想。
- Her silk dress rustled as she moved. 她走起路来丝绸衣裙沙沙作响。
- She wears a translucent silk gown. 她穿着半透明丝质长袍。
- She wore a black silk evening gown. 她穿着一件黑色丝质晚礼服。
- Angela is modelling an attractive blue silk dress. 安吉拉在做时装模特儿,展示一件吸引人的蓝绸连衣裙。
- He had on a coat lined with fur[silk]. 他穿了一件皮[绸]里大衣。
- The inside of the box was lined with silk. 那盒子用丝作衬里。
- His latest extravagance is a hand-made silk shirt. 他最近有的奢侈品是一件手工缝制的丝绸衬衫。
- Silk dresses are easy to crumple up if not carefully handled. 真丝衣服若不能正确处理,很容易起皱。
- You can tell it's silk by the feel. 你摸摸就知道是绸缎。
- Real silk products include twill crepe series and chiffon series. 真丝类产品有斜纹绸系列和雪纺类系列。
- The princess is wearing a dress of the finest silk. 公主身穿最高级的丝绸衣服。