- A dovetailed iron tenon made of several parts and designed to fit into a dovetail mortise in a large stone so that it can be lifted by a hoisting apparatus. 起重爪,吊楔燕尾形铁榫,由几部分构成,可以拼拢嵌进一块巨石上的燕尾形榫眼,由此可通过一个起吊装置举起大石
- dovetail mortise 楔形接榫
- Rigor mortis had already set in. 尸体已经僵硬。
- How well do these new ideas dovetail into the existing system? 这些新意识与现存体制吻合得如何?
- In my opinion,this is a dovetail structure joined together by a number of wooden bars,laths,brackets,mortise and tenon joints and rafters. 竹、木、石制器物或构件上利用凹凸方式相接处凸出的部分。
- I'll dovetail my plans to fit yours. 我会使我的计划密切衔接你的。
- Padlock, door lock, mortise lock, hardware. 挂锁,门锁,锁体,五金件。
- All the ladies dig rigor mortis. 女人都该去给自己挖坟墓...
- To fit into a socket or mortise. 插入插座或与榫眼接合
- La avo mortis je ia nekomprenebla malsano. 祖父死于一种不明的疾病。
- Ne estas certe, pro kio li mortis. (他为何而死还未肯定。)
- Tiu, kiu diris tion al mi, mortis. (把那件事告诉我的那个人死了。)
- The sides of the door dovetail beautifully into each other. 这个门的两边接合得很好。
- Sawing out the pieces to construct dovetail joints. 锯开木板,制作燕尾榫。
- "And so, of course, I had to dovetail with that. “因此,我当然不得不这样做。
- And so of cause I had to dovetail with that . 当然我不得不与之吻合。
- A notch or mortise cut into a board to receive another part. 腰槽为连接另一部分而在木料上切入的切口或榫眼
- Legal medical experts often judge time of death from livor mortis. 法医往往通过尸斑来判断死者的死亡时间。
- If our schedules dovetail, I'll see you in San Francisco. 假如我们的日程吻合,我将在旧金山与你碰面。
- CX: I borrow from things that dovetail with my visual needs. 我在与我的视觉需要吻合的事物中取得借鉴。