- down warping of midspan 跨中下挠
- Applied to warping of the right, left, top and bottom. 适用于上。下。左。右的翘曲。
- When the apple falls, it is actually responding to this warping of time. 当苹果掉落时,它实际上是对这时间的扭曲做出反应。
- Have a glass of beer to rinse your dinner down. 喝杯啤酒把你吃的晚饭冲下去。
- Desire and fear are the weft and warp of living, and both are made of pain. 人生为欲望恐惧的纵横交错编织而成,而两者都是痛苦。
- The fatigue lives, histories of midspan flexibility and bending rigidity of RC beams strengthened with CFL were recorded in experiments.Then the evol... 试验得到增强梁的疲劳寿命曲线以及跨中挠度、抗弯刚度的演化规律。
- Discussion of Cutting down Warp Sizing Cost 降低浆纱成本的探讨
- Abstract:Moments on basement foundation beams considering rigid zone of pile caps and pulling resistance of piles are analyzed.Reduction factor of midspan moment is gained. [提要]在考虑地下室基础承台刚域及抗拔桩布置的情况下,对基础梁的弯矩计算进行分析推导,得出了跨中弯矩的折减系数计算公式。
- He let himself down slowly by means of a tope. 他借助一根绳子慢慢地下来了。
- In Eq. (53)it is assumed that there is no restraint to the free warping of the cross sections. 在式(53)中,可假定对截面的自由翘曲没有阻碍。
- An interdimensional lens is looking at gravity and time, and the warping of them into patterns. 内次元镜片是用来看重力和时间的,以及将重力与时间打包成为印记的。
- One of the fishing boats sank down astern of us. 有一艘渔船在我们后面沉没了。
- A warping of the mind is as close a description as I dare, as the pain returns whenever I recollect the event. 翘曲头脑是一样紧密描述,象我敢,因为痛苦退回,每当我回忆事件。
- The latter is a theory of gravity that ascribes that force’s effects to the warping of space itself. 后者是引力理论,认为引力自身扭曲了空间。
- She sat down on a tuft of grass. 她坐在一小块草地上。
- Warping of the neck increases the distance between the strings and the neck which causes you to have to apply more force on the strings while playing. 翘曲的距离增加颈部及颈部,导致串你一定要多带起了队。
- I wish you wouldn't look down on this kind of work. 我希望你不要看不起这种工作。
- He's of an age when he ought to settle down. 他已经到了应该安顿下来的年龄了。
- Used for testing the number of yarn in warp-wise or across warp of all kinds of fabrics in set length. 用于测定各种织物的经向或纬向一定长度内的纱线根数。
- My name is down on the panel of jurors. 我的名字已列入陪审员名单。