- downstream from ship lock 闸下
- You can cross the river a short distance below (ie downstream from) the waterfall. 在瀑布下游附近可以过河。
- You can see the two people from Ship OM45. 您能见到从OM-45号宇宙飞船来的那两个人。
- A small rowboat, especially one used to ferry supplies from ship to shore. 小船一种小划艇,尤指从船到岸渡运供应品
- I came to Fuling on the slow boat downstream from Chongqing. 我从重庆乘慢船沿河而下来到涪陵。
- Downstream from Tangjiashan sit two dams and the city of Mianyang. 唐家山下游有两个大坝和绵阳市。
- You can see the two people from Ship OM 45. 您能见到从om-45号宇宙飞船来的那两个人。
- The standard of allowable mooring force for ocean ship lock is also discussed. 并针对海船闸的船舶允许系缆力标准进行了探讨。
- Stream standards refer to quality of receiving water downstream from the origin of sewage discharge. 水体标准是指污水排放点下游的受纳水体的水质。
- The Mississippi River joins the Minnesota River 13km downstream from St.Anthony Falls. 密西西比河在距圣安东尼瀑布十三公里处与明尼苏达河交汇。
- Everyone is downwind or downstream from everybody( principle of the global commons). 每个人都处在他人的下游或下风。
- The conclusion has been proved reasonable by the engineering practice of Zhuzhou navigation power junction ship lock. 株洲航电枢纽船闸的工程实践表明分析及建议是合理的。
- Pass the ship locks of the gorges dam. 经过三峡大坝船闸。
- A partial fix has been made for a rare client lock issue occuring when boarding and/or ejecting from ships. 一种罕见的在登船或离舰的时候发生的客户端锁死问题得到了部分解决。
- Live in the right place: Probably not in the city or downwind or downstream from it. 挑选一个合适的地方居住下来:例如不要居住在城市或城市的下游地带。
- The ship locked into the new canal. 船通过水闸驶入新运河。
- But downstream from this promontory, the larger river is officially called the Ganga for the first time. 但自此突起以下的下游,这条大河便首次被正式叫做恒河。
- Adopt in all kinds of vehicle such as bike lock, autobike lock, car lock, train lock, ship lock& plane lock etc. 适用于各类车、船上使用的锁、如自行车锁、摩托车锁、汽车锁、列车锁、船舶锁、飞机用锁等。
- The ship lock is the most widely used and prospectives also the important type of navigation architectures. 船闸是当前世界上应用最广泛、前景最广阔、也是最重要的通航建筑物型式。
- Usually, it also causes the wall heat transfer rate to decrease somewhat in the region downstream from the point of separation. 通常,它也会使分离点下游区间内的壁热交换率有所减少。