- Drafting roller grinding and covering machines 拉伸辊研磨和包覆机
- Now let's draft the contract and then sign it. 那么我们起草合同,然后签字。
- He emptied the glass at on draft. 他一口气喝完了那一大杯。
- L/c is payable against your draft. 信用证凭汇票付款。
- The ride on the roller coaster dizzied us. 乘坐云霄飞车使我们头晕。
- May I borrow your roller skates? 我可以借你的旱冰鞋吗?
- A preliminary draft or record of a transaction. 条约草案合约的预备性的草案或纪录
- Usually we ask for a draft in duplicate. 我们通常要求草图一式两份。
- He went to the bank to cash a draft. 他去银行兑现一张汇票。
- They were unwilling to register for the draft. 他们不愿意登记入伍。
- Clattering along on roller skates. 踩着轮式溜冰鞋行进
- Turn the electric fan on and make a draft. 打开电扇通一下风。
- He drank the glass of wine at one draft. 他一口喝乾了那杯酒。
- A road roller is used in making and repairing roads. 压路机是用来修筑道路的。
- One who signs a time draft or bill of exchange. 承兑人在定期汇票或汇票上签字的人
- A steel tube or wooden roller on which the warp is wound in a loom. 卷轴织机上的铁管或木轮,供经线缠绕之用
- draft roller 牵伸罗拉
- They used a steam roller to iron out the road. 他们用蒸汽压路机压平了路面。
- We're sending a fresh draft of nurses to the worst hit area. 我们新派遣一组护理人员开赴受灾最重的地区。
- The road roller evens out the ground. 压路机把地面压平。