- Germany's defeat was bound to drag down Japan. 德国的溃败势必要拖垮日本。
- The name would drag down even a great car. 这名字足以玷污一种了不起的好汽车。
- To fill in increasing order, drag down or to the right. 要按升序填充,请从上到下或从左到右拖动。
- A construction bust will continue to drag down output growth. 新建屋减少会继续拉低产出增长。
- I'm afraid the children will all be dragged down to his level. 我看他的孩子也要跟他学坏了。
- Go through library and into hall, drag down a picture, push cutton on wall. 点箭头回到开始的大厅,把左边墙上的画拖下来,按绿色按钮,过关。
- Drag down to make the text box about two-thirds or half of its original size. 向下拖动,使文本框变为其原来尺寸的三分之二或一半。
- Its share price duly tumbled on August 14th, helping to drag down the market. 同时8月14日沃尔玛的股价也下挫,顺带拖累了市场。
- Verbena: There's no need to drag down sex and pain when they can raise you up. 圣叶:当性欲和疼痛降临的时候,没有必要降低它们。
- Third, the price deflation oscillating through the information sector will drag down the rest of the economy, too, through a multiplier effect. 再者,信息产业价格下跌的震荡局面,还将通过乘数效应拖累其它经济领域。
- Nobody yet knows how long and how seriously the shakiness in the financial system will drag down the ecomomy. 无人知晓金融系统的动荡会在多长时间内并多大程度上氢把经济拖垮.
- AstraZeneca by Fortis Bank and drag down stock prices, European stock markets lower Wednesday. 受阿斯利康和富通银行股价下跌拖累,周三欧洲股市收低。
- Thus the potential for a drop in exports to drag down China's growth is correspondingly greater. 因此,中国出口的迅速下降对于中国经济增长将造成相应的巨大影响。
- And this much is certain: free societies do not breed the anger and radicalism that drag down whole nations. 有一点是可以肯定的,自由社会不会滋生可能拖垮整个国家的仇恨和极端主义。
- Drag the middle mouse button to perform certain actions: Drag down and then to the right to close a conversation. 按下滑鼠中间键并拖曳滑鼠以执行实际动作:往下后向右拖曳为关闭一个交谈。
- A trained billmen can use it to stab, hack and drag down his enemies, including both infantry men and mounted troops. 训练过的长刀兵可以用它来刺、砍或拉倒步行或骑马的敌人。
- A trained billmen can use it to stab, hack and drag down his enemies, including both infantrymen and cavalry. 训练有素的钩镰兵,能够刺砍钩劈,虎虎生风,无论骑兵步兵都望而生畏。
- President Alberto Fujimori, dragged down by corruption scandals, will resign Monday or Tuesday, Prime Minister Federico Salas said. 秘鲁总理撒拉斯表示,秘鲁总统藤森将因贿赂丑闻案在周一或周二向国会提出辞呈。
- The straps of the satchel were dragged down to her hand. 挎包的带子掉在她的手上。
- Not only will the boom end in a cyclical bust, but inefficient investment will also drag down China's long-term growth rate. 不但这次的投资热会在周期性的泡沫中结束,而且无效的投资也会将中国的长期增长率拖下来。