- drained ground base 排水的地基
- The validity problem of active multi-decoy to ground base radar system is studied. 摘要研究了有源多假目标等欺骗性电子干扰对地基防御雷达系统的有效性问题。
- The paper expounds the control on ground water table both in and out of foundation pit for foundation pit dewatering,and discusses the utilization of drained ground water in dewatering engineering. 对基坑降水中基坑内外的地下水位控制措施进行了论述,并探讨了降水工程中排出的地下水进行综合利用的问题。
- Discussion on the Ground Base Treatment Alternatives of the Primary Material Yard Along the Yangtze River of Nanjing Steel Co. 南钢江边一次料场地基处理方案探讨。
- The consolidation behavior of the sand drain ground during the process of filling the embankment was monitored by the settlement plate, telescoping tube settlement gauge and pore water pressure cell. 采用沉降板、分层沉降仪、孔隙水压力计等仪器,对路基分层填筑过程中砂井地基的固结规律进行监测,保证了路基的安全填筑。
- They can be ground based or orbiting around the Earth. 望远镜亦可固定在地面或在太空中绕地球运行。
- The conclusion is that seismic responses accrete with the following parameters: ground base elastic modulus, lining thickness, depth of bottom floor. 经研究,下列参数增大则地下结构地震响应增大:地基弹性模量、衬砌厚度、底板深度;
- It has been proven that this soil can bring about better results in the thermal insulation for frozen ground base and frozen heaving resis... 初步证明,轻质土在冻土地基的隔热保温与台背填土的防冻胀方面效果比较明显。
- The ground base was evaluated and analysed by using biological index and variation of population of benthon which are effected by bottom water and mud environment. 以底栖动物作为底层水环境和底泥环境长期影响的指标,利用生物指数和种群结构的变化对底质进行评价和分析。
- What this antenna system uses is satellitic signal, so nonexistent ground base the limitation of the station, accomplished the whole world on real significance to enclothe. 这个天线系统使用的是卫星信号,所以不存在地面基站的限制,做到了真正意义上的全球覆盖。
- A practical example of drainage culvert application to replace the pile foundation works for foundation treatment in a hydro-structure on mud ground base is presented. 主要介绍了在淤泥地基上建造水工建筑物时,利用排水涵管取代桩基础的工程实例。
- This country is being drained of its best talents. 这个国家最优秀的人才在不断外流。
- The model was applied to forecast the ground base settlement of a 12-storey building.The accuracy of the results got by this forecasting model is higher than that of common hyperbolic model. 利用该模型对某12层住宅地基沉降进行预测,预测结果精度高于常采用的双曲线模型推算结果。
- That maths exam I took was a regular brain drain. 绞尽脑汁的数学测验,我真是绞尽了脑汁。
- She drained the water out through a sieve. 她用漏杓把水控出去。
- Unlike ground based command sites that are vulnerable to attack,the E-4B has the mobility to escape direct assault. 不像易受攻击的地面指挥所,E-4B具有躲避直接攻击的机动能力。
- The bath-water slowly drained away. 浴池的水慢慢排走。
- Gasoline drained slowly from the tilted can. 煤油慢慢从倾斜的油罐里流出来
- Ground based anti-air like Bullfrogs and Striker VX's can be taken out if you have numbers on your side. 如果你拥有数量优势的话,地基防空武器如牛蛙和打击者VX之流是可以被消灭的。
- Soon after "Cheers!" he drained off the cup. 刚说完“干杯”, 他便一饮而尽。