- Carter can draw on the blackboard. 卡特能在黑板上画很滑稽的卡通片。
- We'd better not draw on the wall. 我们最好不要在墙上乱画。
- Tell him not to draw on the wall. 告诉他别往墙上画。
- Don't write or draw on the wall. 不要在墙上写字或画画。
- We should make the plan with an eye on the future. 我们作计划时应该考虑到将来。
- The snout of the pig you drew on the picture is too long. 这幅画上你画的猪鼻子太长了。
- Let us look to the future, not dwell on the past. 让我们看一下未来,不要总是回顾过去。
- Some children squatted down to draw on the sand. 有些孩子蹲下来在沙上面画画。
- After the text material has been created on the personal computer CRT screen, it can be printed or stored in the auxiliary storage for the future reference. 当文本内容显示在计算机屏幕上以后,文本内容可被打印出来,或者可以存在外存上以供将来使用。
- He also drew on the information for his lectures. 讲课时他还利用了这些材料。
- The idea to have the capital moved so far inland will have a great effect on the future of Brazil. 把首都迁往内地的计划,对巴西的未来将产生巨大的影响。
- These drawings on the wall are process sheets. 墙上的图表是工艺流程表。
- I shall have to draw on the money I've saved. 我将不得不支用我所积蓄的钱。
- She's saying,"Don't draw on the wall. 她在说,“别在墙上画画。
- It is wrong to draw on the wall. 在墙上乱画是不对的。
- Don't draw on the wall or the desks. 不要在墙上或课桌上画画。
- Save your money now with an eye on the future. 现在存点儿钱,为将来作打算。
- In a few hours,the destroyer drew on the convoy. 几小时后,驱逐舰就赶上了护航舰队。
- Dear! How call you draw on the wall? 你怎么能在墙上乱画?
- To strengthen exchanges with an eye on the future. 第四,着眼未来,加强交流。