- dredged wastes dump sites 淤泥吹填场
- Reclamation of Jiangxi Yongping Copper Mine Waste Dump Site with Vegetations. 江西省永平铜矿排土场植被复垦
- Maybe it's one of those goons from the Easttown dump site. 也许是那些在垃圾场工作的流氓来了。
- A garbage dump;a nuclear waste dump. 垃圾场;核废料场
- A man salvages coal at a cinder dump site in Changzhi, Shanxi province China. 中国山西长治,一名男子在煤渣处理站捡拾煤炭。
- Clean drinking water is in short supply because of drought, contamination from poorly located dump sites, past bombings and even simple neglect. 乾旱、垃圾场设置不当造成污染、过去的轰炸行动、甚至是单纯的忽视,而导致洁净饮用水的缺乏。
- Humans currently tend to pile their waste in one place and then dump it into nature and are surprised when the life around such “treatment plants” or “dump sites” dies. 现在人类倾向与把他们的垃圾堆积在一个地方并倾倒入自然,并且当"废物处理场"或“垃圾堆放点”周围的生物死亡时感到惊讶。
- The Court set forth in the Michigan case that states could not adopt "protectionist" measures to stop waste being generated in other states from being shipped to their dump sites. 法院在密西根州案例中,发表声明说每个州都不要采取贸易保护措施来来阻止其他州产生的废物运送到他们的储存场所。
- In parallel, there will also be land based worms that will form and appear to dine upon the toxic substances in many human dump sites in the decade ahead. 以类似方式,在前方十年内也将有陆地上的蠕虫形成而出现,来吞食许多人类垃圾场上的毒素物质。
- These Squibs would often sneak messages to the Squib Reclamation Fleet, alerting the scavenger species to Imperial dump sites, which the Squibs would then exploit. 这些斯奎布人常常将一些消息悄悄传到斯奎布再生舰队,提醒这个清道工种族注意帝国的垃圾场,进而对此加以利用。
- Our community is going to take action against the proposed waste dump. 我们地区要采取行动反对那项垃圾处理场的提案。
- The load is tipped out at the dumping site. 装载的东西被倾倒在垃圾场上。
- Wingfield: We don't want no waste dump back there, no mines back there. 答:我们不要在这块土地上有贮存场,不要再回来开挖土地。
- Most of the density in the sea is from former toxic dump sites of the human species, or former cities that once resided in a particular region now underwater. 海洋中绝大多数致密来自于人类物种以前的有毒垃圾倾倒站,和曾经在现在水域下特定地带的以前的城市。
- There were dramatic discoveries in Superfund's early years-valleys filled with chemical drums, unfenced dump sites littered with explosives, fissures where toxins oozed out of the earth. 在超巨额基金立头几年,人们的发现触目惊心--山谷中堆满了装化学品的圆桶,没有隔离的垃圾堆放场扔满了易爆物品,垃圾掩埋场所出现的裂缝中,有毒物质渗出地面。
- Humans are so concerned about "profit" that the "expense" necessary to handle toxic wastes in a non-harmful manner is avoided, and the wastes dumped right into your waterways. 人类是如此关心“利润”,需要以无害的方式去处理有毒废物的“消费”被避开,而废物正好倾卸进你们的水域。
- The police dredged up the parcel from the muddy river. 警方从浑浊的河水中捞出包裹。
- Sea gulls fly over a dump site looking for food as the sea freezes in Dalian, in northeastern China's Liaoning province. 中国辽宁省沿海地区的海水结冰后大量海鸟飞到大连市的垃圾场寻找食物。最近的一次调查显示,大部分中国人目前非常关心环保问题。
- Business deals such as the casino, prison and toxic waste dump also depress Mayor Rating. 商业建筑,如赌场、监狱和有毒废物处理场也会降低市长评价。
- The picture dredged up the sad facts of his past. 这幅画使他想起伤心的往事。