- The seamstress ornamented the dress with lace. 女裁缝用花边来装饰衣服。
- She wears a dress with delicate lace. 她穿了一件带有精致花边的裙子。
- This is a dress with a high waistline. 这条裙子腰身部分很高。
- She bordered her dress with silk. 她用丝绸为她的衣服镶了边。
- The little dune is formed with loose dry sand by wind. 这个小沙丘是由风吹来的干沙子形成的。
- She wears a dress with scallops around the neck. 她穿着一件领口有扇形皱褶的衣裙。
- A full - skirted dress with a tight bodice, low neck, and short, full sleeves. 阿尔斯村姑装,阿尔斯村姑式连衣裙一种多褶连衣裙,有紧身背心、低衣领和宽大的短袖
- A full-skirted dress with a tight bodice, low neck, and short, full sleeves. 阿尔斯村姑装,阿尔斯村姑式连衣裙一种多褶连衣裙,有紧身背心、低衣领和宽大的短袖
- To cover with loose material that is not worked in. 用尚未加入的松散材料覆盖。
- Our desks and chairs are fitted with loose covers. 我们的桌椅均配有桌套和椅套。
- I scorched my dress with the iron. 我用熨斗熨衣服时烫坏了我的衣服。
- The seamstress bordered the dress with flowers. 女裁缝给连衣裙镶上花状装饰物。
- She splintered her dress with anger. 她愤怒地撕裂了她的衣服。
- To cover(a road surface) with loose material that is not worked in. 表面处理(路面等)用尚未加入的松散材料覆盖(街面)
- She spotted her dress with ketchup. 她被番茄酱弄脏了衣服。
- The lonic was a rectangle of sheer linen or fine Indian cotton, later of silk, but was caught together over the arms by fibula or buttons forming loose sleeves when belted. 艾奥尼克基同采用亚麻,精棉以及后来的丝绸长方形面料,在臀部用别针或纽扣连接,系好腰带后形成宽松的袖子。
- Keith Perez: You think it's funny to fornicate with loose women? 基思:你认为和那些骚娘们儿私通很有趣吗?
- She is pressing her dress with an iron. 她在用熨斗烫衣服。
- She ornament her dress with lace. 她以花边装饰她的衣服。
- The trailing green villus leans on the wind, smiling and waving hand to me, calling for me to spread my loose sleeves like wings; together with fairies, we fly to the green land outside the world. 蔓绿绒倚风媚笑,向我招手,向我呼唤,诗心顿展起双翼,与绿衣仙子同舒广袖,飞往绿油油的世外。