- To drift off an established course. 背叛放弃信仰
- You tossed and turned, but you couldn't drift off. 你辗转反侧,却久久不能进入梦乡。
- Its another 45 minutes before Morgan is finally able to drift off. 到迈甘美渐渐进入睡乡的时候,时间已又过去了45分钟。
- I then lumbered back into bed and started to drift off . 然后又蹒跚地回到被窝进入梦乡。
- You drift off to sleep and next thing you know, it sounds like a lumberyard. 你睡着了然后被惊醒,那就像木场里锯木发出的声音。
- These thoughts made him much easier in his mind, and now the room smelt less fusty. He began to drift off to sleep. 这样一想,他心中舒服了许多,闻了闻屋中,也不像先前那么臭了,慢慢的入了梦;
- He drifted off into sexual reverie again. 他迷迷糊糊的又陶醉在男欢女爱的幻梦中了。
- At last, she drifted off into slumber. 后来她渐渐地睡着了。
- Drift off into a restful sleep, surrounded by larger pillows, crisp linen and a light duvet. 让柔软的枕头、轻柔的羽绒被陪您进入宁静的梦乡。
- He drifted off into another daydream. 他飘飘然又做了一个白日梦。
- The ship drifted off its course. 船偏离了航线。
- He grew drowsy and drifted off to sleep. 睡意袭来,他慢慢进入梦乡。
- He's always drifting off in class. 他在课堂上总是神不守舍。
- Finally the little bush drifted off to sleep. 终于这棵小树轻轻地坠入了梦乡。
- Drift off into a restful sleep, surrounded by larger pillows, crisp linen and a duvet. 松软的大枕头、清新的床单及羽绒被,伴您恬静入梦。
- I was beginning to drift off, when I heard a driving, tinny noise: ch-ch, ch-ch, ch-ch, ch-ch ... 我快要睡着的时候,一种微弱的驱动噪音传过来。
- In this scenario, the cluster stars drift off as other stars in the galaxy gravitationally tug on them. 在星系其他恒星的重力吸引下,疏散星团会逐渐散开,被其他恒星吞噬。
- HAS this happened to you? You're about to drift off to sleep when suddenly you feel like you're falling or coming down on a roller coaster. 你有否遇到过这种情况?闭眼要睡着的刹那,你突然觉得身体往下掉,就像是从过山车中跌落下去。
- When my children were babies, I'd hold them in my arms and watch them drift off peacefully - it was like watching a miracle. 当我的孩子还是婴儿时,我把他们抱在怀里,看着他们平静地入睡,像观看奇迹的发生。
- Then I would segue into a medley of his favorites, "Red River Valley" and "Home on the Range", and he would drift off to sleep, the newspaper folded on his lap. 于是我一口气拉下去,把他最喜欢的歌曲《红河谷》和《牧场上的家园》混在一起,于是他不知不觉地睡去,报纸还摊在膝上。