- drill flat roof construction 平台施工
- As an alternative to tar felt, sheet zinc, aluminium or copper is often used in high-class work as a finishing to a reinforced roof slab, but very seldom to timber flat roof construction. 除采用油毡防水之外,在钢筋混凝土板平屋盖的豪华建筑中,为装饰需要,还常常采用薄锌板、薄铝板或薄铜板代替油毡,但很少用于木板平屋顶结构。
- A flat roof covered with sheets of lead. 覆以铅板的平屋顶
- What is the power of flat roof winch? 平台绞车的功率多大?
- I hang washed clothes on the flat roof to dry. 我把洗净的衣服挂在露台上晾干。
- Each house comes with a private garden, flat roof and a carport. 美观与实用,皆是追求理想家居的标准。
- "Well, it could, if you had a flat roof," he said reflectively. 他的回应是:“嗯,可以啊。
- An ancient Egyptian tomb with a rectangular base, sloping sides, and a flat roof. 古埃及墓室有长方形底座、倾斜的四边和平顶的古埃及墓室
- An ancient Egyptian tomb with a rectangular base,sloping sides,and a flat roof. 古埃及墓室有长方形底座、倾斜的四边和平顶的古埃及墓室。
- The problem with a flat roof is that the water doesn't drain properly. 平顶房的问题是屋顶排水不畅。
- The big flat roof with enormous nosing lies on the brown black walls. 大块的平屋面伸出庞大的挑檐,架在棕褐色的墙上。
- This paper analyes several problems of SBS modified asphalt linoleum in roof construction. 分析了SBS改性沥青卷材屋面施工中的几个问题并提出改进办法。
- An example of a timber roof truss having a single post is given in Fig. 11, which illustrates an isometric view of a common form of roof construction. 图11所示为带一个立柱的木屋顶桁架的示例。它展示的是一个普通屋顶结构的轴侧图。
- The region of flow produce is loose embankment and the flat roof, the gully erosion chain is the main cause of the sediment yield increase. 弃土场内主要的产流区域为松散边坡和平台,坡面的侵蚀链是造成区域内产沙量增加的主要原因。
- Fig.9 illustrates a simple flat roof, consisting of timber bearers covered with timber boarding and finished with several layers of tar felt. 图9所示为一个简单的平屋顶它由木承梁组成并铺以木板,再铺几层油毡防水。
- The seven wooden trunks spread open into branches and carry the roof construction and the wall rim that soars above the users. 七个木箱子打开蔓延到分支机构和从事建筑的屋顶和墙壁的腾飞环以上的用户。
- ZT series of rotating flat roof mainly consist of an annular rotating flat roof, a flat roof supporting system and 2 sets of driving facilities. ZT型系列旋转平台的结构是由环形旋转平台、平台支承系统和两套驱动机构等主要部分组成。
- On the other part of the roof construction covered play grounds are placed.On the playground there are placed swings, hammocks and cushions etc. 屋顶的另一边为游戏场地,设置有秋千、吊床和橡皮软垫。
- Used on nominally flat roofs up to a maximum pitch of five degrees. 使用在有名无实地屋顶平台由最大五个程度轴节决定。