- dry dock lock 干坞坞闸
- A new ship was launched from the dry dock. 一艘新船从乾船坞下水。
- A new research ship was launched from the dry dock. 一台新的研究船在乾坞启用。
- The crew was on the beach while the ship was in dry dock. 当船在干船坞时,水手们离船上岸。
- They docked the ship in dry dock for repairs,cleaning and painting. 他们使船进入干船坞以便修理、清理和油漆。
- The Pennsylvania, which was in dry dock, was unscathed-evidently the only battleship that had not been attacked. 干船坞里的“宾夕法尼亚”号却仍安然无恙,显然是唯一未遭受袭击的主力舰。
- Rectangular Rubber Fender Feature Applicable for all kinds of wharf, dry dock and shipboard. 一、特点适用于各种码头、船坞、船舷。
- The mooring support structure was transported to DNS and pre-installed on forecastle deck of the FPSO by a gantry crane at dry dock. 系泊支架是运到大连造船新厂后,用船坞龙门吊吊装在浮式生产储油装置的艏楼甲板上;
- The dynamic behavior of pneumatic horizontal dry dock gate's system is deeply studied to reduce design time and test cost. 摘要深入了解干船坞气控卧倒门系统的动态特性,以便缩短坞门的设计周期,节约试验费用;
- The ADAMS software is used to build dynamics simulation models of the dry dock gate system and simulation results show that these models are correctly built. 运用机械系统动力学自动分析软件ADAMS,建立了干船坞气控卧倒门系统的动力学仿真模型,并通过对仿真模型的运行,证明模型是可行的。
- Royal Caribbean's Oasis of the Seas will be completed within a year before sailing to Miami.The ship was floated out Friday at a Turku shipyard dry dock. 芬兰落水起航.;加勒比海皇室的"海上绿洲号"将在驶象迈阿密前一年完工
- Wang Changsheng.Character of the suction pressure in the hump of the siphon covered way of the dry dock[J].HydroScience and Engineering,1985(10):75-87(in Chinese). [5]王常生.;干船坞虹吸式输水廊道驼峰负压的特性[J]
- This paper introduces the joint application of high-pressure jet grouted piles and cement soil mixed piled for dealing with seepage of earth cofferdam for dry dock in Rizhao Port. 介绍高压喷射注浆和水泥土搅拌桩防渗加固技术在日照港干船坞土围堰防渗处理中的组合应用。
- Ship's keel plate being laid in a construction dry dock at the Newport News Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Company shipyard, Newport News, Virginia, 18 April 1949. 1949年4月18日,美国号的龙骨模板才刚在新港纽斯造船厂的乾坞中放下时的画面。
- The ship is in dry dock. 这艘船在干船坞里。
- He chiseled a hole in the door to fit a new lock. 他在门上凿了个孔,以便装一把新锁。
- This lock can only be opened from the inside. 这把锁只能从里面打开。
- According to the salvage plan, Kursk will be secured beneath a number of specially designed pontoons to be ferried to a dry dock in Murmansk, the base of Russia's Northern Fleet, for examination. 根据打捞计划,“库尔斯克”号将被吊在多艘特殊设计的平底驳船船底,运往俄罗斯北方舰队基地摩尔曼斯克。“库尔斯克”号将在那里接受检查。
- He put the key in the lock and turned it. 他把钥匙插入锁里转动。
- We must put a new lock on the front door. 我们得在前门上安一把新锁。