- There was not a dry eye in the house. 满座皆泣。
- By the end of the play, there wasn't a dry eye in the house. 这出戏终场时,场内观众无不泪汪汪的。
- There seems to not be a dry eye in the entire congregation. 会众里,好象没有干着的眼睛。
- There wasn't a dry eye in the house when they announced their engagement. 他们宣布订婚时大伙眼睛全湿啦。
- There are hardly any dry eyes at a funeral. 在葬礼上很少有人不落泪的。
- No one could read the novel with dry eyes. 谁读了这本小说都要落泪。
- Results: A 51-year-old woman with scleroderma had dry eye and blepharospasm. 结果:一位51岁女性患有硬皮症,乾眼症及眼睑痉孪。
- The patients of serious dry eye should be cautious for LASIK surgery. 认为对于术前检查严重干眼患者慎行LASIK手术。
- You will wed with dry eyes, anyhow. 无论如何,你会高高兴兴地结婚的。
- Use these eyedrops to relieve your dry eyes. 用眼药水来舒缓你的乾涩眼睛.
- No one could look at such a pitiful sight with dry eyes. 见此惨状,无不落泪。
- That's a poor little girl is speaking her own story, we are all not a dry eye in the house by her life experience. 那个可怜的小女孩正在讲述着她自己的故事;我们都被她的身世感动了.
- In fact, more than ten million Americans suffer from dry eyes. 事实上,有一千多万的美国人患有干眼症。
- When one of the Holocaust survivors talked about his life in the Nazist Concentration Camp, there was not a dry eye amongst the audience. 当一位战时反犹太人政策的生还者谈及他在纳粹集中营的生活时;在听众之中没有一人不流下眼泪.
- The changes in tear film,neurogenic inflammation and sex hormone are key factors in dry eye pathogenesis. 泪膜成分的改变、神经源性炎症及性激素降低是眼干燥症病因学的重要因素。
- Usually, LASIK causes some dry eye syndrome directly after surgery, but the condition resolves within a few months. 通常在LASIK手术后会导致干眼综合征,不过几个月内这种状况会自己消失。
- Results Questionnaire indicated most patients complained about dry eye, foreinbody sensation, asthenopia and red eye. 结果调查问卷中,干眼患者最多的主诉是干涩、异物感、视疲劳、眼红。
- Medical problems such as menopause, thyroid conditions, and vitamin A deficiency can lead to dry eye problems. 健康因素诸如更年期、甲状腺病症以及缺乏维他命A都可能引起干眼症。
- Objective To evaluate the efficacy of the silicone punctum plug in the treatment of dry eye. 摘要目的评价泪小点塞在干眼症治疗中的疗效。
- Few persons can look upon the execution of a murderer with dry eyes. 很少有人看到杀人犯被处决而无动于衷。