- dual nonlinear programing 对偶非线性规划
- dual nonlinear programming 对偶非线性规划
- It converts the calculation of PoC to a nonlinear programming problem, which is solved by predictor corrector primal dual interior point method in this paper. 对直接求取电压崩溃临界点的零特征根法进行扩展,将临界点计算转化为非线性规划问题,并用预测校正原对偶内点法求解。
- The outer-approximation method is generalized by replac-ing the supporting functions of the original nonlinear functions with Lagrangian dual functions and a mixee-integer nonlinear programming(MINLP)global optimization method is proposed in this paper. 本文应用Lagrange对耦函数作为外部近似函数,对外部近似法进行了推广,从而建立了一个求解过程工程系统设计中混合整数非线性规划(MINLP)问题的整体最优化方法。
- This paper considers the nonlinear programming problem of interval parameters. 摘要讨论了区间参数非线性规划问题。
- Using a genetic algorithm coded by MATLAB, the nonlinear programming problem was calculated. 针对此分段非线性函数规划问题,运用MATLAB编写遗传算法程序进行了计算。
- Connar, Gouldnim, Orban D, et al, A Primal-dual Trust-region Al-gorithm for Non-conver Nonlinear Programming, 2000. 李钟煦、刘玉田,一种地区电网分布式无功优化方法,电力系统及其自动化学报,济南,2005。
- The Modified Feasible Method(MFM) is adopted to reduce computational complexity of the nonlinear programming model. 非线性规划模型求解中采用MFM算法 ,降低了计算量。
- In this paper a new convexification method was given to a kind monotone nonlinear programming problem. 给出了非线性规划问题的目标函数的一个新的指数型凸化、凹化变换公式.
- This thesis applies dynamic programming principle to solve a nonlinear programming problem. 应用动态规划原理来解决一类非线性规划问题。
- Optimal Power Flow (OPF) can be defined as a typical flexible nonlinear programming problem with many targets. 电力系统最优潮流问题是典型的具有可伸缩性的多目标非线性规划问题。
- The optimization of blasting parameters in engineering blasting is a complicated nonlinear programming problem. 工程爆破中的参数优化问题是个复杂的非线性规划问题。
- We utilized the combined maximum entropy homotopy method to solve the general nonconvex nonlinear programming problems. 利用组合极大熵同伦方法,研究一般的非凸非线性规划问题。
- With the homotopy method we solved the non-convex nonlinear programming with equality and inequality constrains. 使用同伦算法研究混合约束的非凸非线性规划问题。
- The road opened out into a dual carriageway. 这条路已扩展成了复式车行道。
- Transferring this problem into a corresponding multiobjective programming, the optimality conditions of minimal perturbation constraints nonlinear programming are given. 利用把问题归为一个相应的多目标规划问题,给出了极小扰动约束有效解的最优性条件。
- With the help of point-to-set maps,Zangwill makes general analysis on nonlinear programming algorithms,especially under differentiable case. Zangwill 等人应用点到集映射,对非线性规划(尤其是可微规划)算法进行了统一研究。
- Plastic hinge method for the dual nonlinear analysis of tall steel buildings 高层钢结构双重非线性分析的塑性铰法
- The main feature on the program is her song. 那个节目的主要号召物是她的歌。