- dublin core elementSet 都柏林核心元素集
- Dublin Core RDF metadata disabled for this server. 这个服务器禁止使用都柏林核心技术RDF元数据。
- Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI). 刘飞;黎建辉;阎保平.
- Therefore it is a fire-new scheme to describe Dublin Core with XML. 使用XML语言来描述Dublin Core元数据是一种全新的元数据解决方案。
- Dublin Core: Cataloging Standard of 21st Century Library? Dublin Core:21世纪图书馆编目标准?
- Beside this, the formalization based on OWL+ Dublin Core is provided. 并给出了基于OWL+DublinCore的形式化描述。
- The Dublin Core is a set of predefined properties for describing documents. 都柏林核心”是一组用于描述文档的预定义属性。
- Table of areas where LOM and Dublin Core overlap, along with other relevant vocabularies. LOM和Dublin Core以及其他相关词汇表的重叠部分。
- Each LOM data element is similar to a Dublin Core metadata element, with some overlap between the two. 每个LOM数据元素都有类似的Dublin Core元数据元素,两者之间存在重叠。
- Any RDF application that knew how to handle Dublin Core could then make at least basic use of DOAP data. 任何知道如何处理Dublin Core的RDF应用程式至少能够使用基本的DOAP资料。
- Partitioning metadata of Dublin Core type described by XML automaticly based on OAI protocol is another. 另一种是基于OAI协议自动收割以XML描述的Dublin Core元数据。
- Dublin Core had hold 8 workshops since 1995.It set up some special workgroups to take in some topic research. Dublin Core自1995年起开了8次会议,研究探讨元数据的问题,取得了一系列的成果。
- Dublin Core is a valid metadata standard to describe information resource in Web. 元数据Dublin Core是一种有效的描述网络信息资源的元数据标准。
- Dublin Core is one of the most accepted metadata formats by the international digital library community. DC(Dublin Core)是目前国际上最有影响的元数据格式,数字图书馆发展进程中,越来越倾向采用DC实现资源信息的描述。
- A quick look at the table above indicates that RDF is ideal for representing Dublin Core information. 从上表中我们可以看出RDF是“都柏林核心数据”的最适当表示。
- The Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI) has created some predefined properties for describing documents. 都柏林核心元数据研究行动(DCMI)已经为描述文档创建了一些预定义属性。
- Dublin Core Metadata Element Set Reference Description Version 1.1,http://purl. ogr/dc/documents/proposed _ recommendations/pr -dces -19990702. htm. 戚广智;基于计算机网络的图书馆编目系统研究;南京大学博士论文;2000年1月.
- All elements and value fields will display a tooltip description taken from Dublin Core Metadata Initiative. (http://dublincore.org/documents/dces/). 所有的元素及其字段值都包含一个类似工具提示的描述,该描述源自都柏林(爱尔兰)原创的内核元数据。
- The Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI) maintains a vocabulary of several dozen metadata terms, most notably the fifteen-element Dublin Core. DCMI维护着一个包含众多元数据术语的词表,其中最主要的是包括15个元素的都柏林核心。
- This paper compares Dublin core with MARC. As a result,the author sums up the limitation of MARC and the superiority of Dublin core in the digital environment. 本文将Dublin Core与MARC进行比较,总结了MARC在数字化环境下的局限性和Dublin Corer的技术优势。