- dunnage tarpaulin 垫舱油布
- We put a tarpaulin across the window to block out the sun-light. 我们将涂焦帆布横挂在窗子上遮住阳光。
- We put a tarpaulin across the window to block out the sun - light. 我们将油布横挂在窗子上遮住阳光。
- Cargo debris or dunnage accumulation inside the container. 堆积在集装箱内的货物残留物或垫舱物料;
- You'd better use square wood to dunnage the machinery cases. 你们最好用方木垫机器箱。
- Many refugees are sheltering under makeshift tarpaulin structures. 许多灾民被安置在临时的防水棚下。
- All wooden dunnage or packing material must be bark free. 所有木衬板或填充料必须任意是吠声。
- The pool furniture was folded, stacked, and covered with a tarpaulin. 游泳池的设备都已经折叠起来,堆在那里,还盖上了防水布。
- Dunnage bags can be quickly inflated,save time,reduce costs effectively. 充气袋充气迅速,可大大节约装箱时间,有效降低运输成本。
- Dunnage bagds can be quickly inflated;Save time, reducecosts effectively. 它是国际上越来越普遍采用的集装箱充填方工。
- Sometimes it is just people have got like a tarpaulin, plastic tarpaulin. 有时候帐篷实际上是人们得到一块防水帆布,塑料布。
- P.S.Please note that you havnt returned the dunnage USD 10,000 to us until now. 附:请注意,你们直到现在还没有归还我们那1万美金的垫木费用。
- Please get the dunnage materials prepared, otherwise we can't work tonight. 请把垫舱物料准备好,否则今晚我们不能开工。
- A tarpaulin was spread over the hay-rick and firmly lashed down to prevent it blowing off in a high wind. 为防止大风把干草堆吹掉,在上面盖上了一块防水帆布并用绳子紧紧地扎牢。
- A tarpaulin was spread over the hay - rick and firmly lashed down to prevent it blowing off in a high wind. 为防止大风,干草被堆成小屋形,又在上面盖上了一块防水帆布并用绳子紧紧地扎牢。
- An old seaman, bronzed by the tropical sun, advanced, twirling the remains of a tarpaulin between his hands. 一个被热带的太阳晒成棕褐色的老水手向前走了几步,两手不住地卷着一顶残破的帽子。
- Merchant is responsible for collecting/discharge of dunnage at Port of discharge as loaded on Board. 贸易商负责在卸货港收集和卸下所有装上船的垫板。
- No shoring of the cargo with suitable dunnage had been carried out to prevent any movement in a seaway. 没有采用适当的衬垫来支撑货物以防止它在运输途中的位移。
- For sheet fumigations, the tarpaulin should be 60 cm above the load and 30 cm from the centre of each end of the load. 对于帐幕熏蒸来说,帐幕应该比货物高出60厘米,而且离货物每个边的中部30厘米。
- Packing materials, Tarpaulin and Packing materials belong to our portfolio.For more information please call us. 公司在包装材料、打包材料以及(车辆上和盖货物的)帆布棚领域内取得成就。