- duplex line termination 双工线路终端
- Property to another line termination string. 属性设置为其他行终止字符串来解决这个问题。
- Sets the line termination string for the standard error output stream to two carriage return and line feed sequences. 将标准错误输出流的行终止字符串设置为两个回车符和换行符序列。
- Writes a line terminator to the text stream. 将行结束符写入文本流。
- Pressing Enter appends a platform-dependent line termination sequence to your input (for example, Windows appends a carriage return-linefeed sequence). 按Enter会在输入内容后面追加一个与平台有关的行终止序列(例如,Windows追加一个回车符和换行符序列)。
- Additionally, SDRs make LINE termination easier, which improves signal quality by reducing ringing and LINE reflections. 另外,SDR电阻能减少振铃和线路反射,改善信号质量,使线路终端连接更加容易。
- Class does not provide a method to write data to the standard error output stream, or a property to change the line termination string for data written to that stream. 类不提供将数据写入标准错误输出流的方法,也不提供更改写入该流的数据的行终止字符串的属性。
- Writes a line terminator string to the output stream. 将行结束符字符串写入到输出流。
- Writes the current line terminator to the standard output stream. 将当前行终止符写入标准输出流。
- In the PON (Passive Optical Networks), the data transmission from ONU (optical network unit) to OLT (optical line termination) in the up-stream direction employing the style of TDMA (Time-Division Mutiple Access), is the burst-mode transmission also. 在无源光网络(PON)中,在上行方向从各网络用户单元(ONU)到光线路终端(OLT)的数据传输采用时分多址(TDMA)的方式,也是突发数据包的传输。
- Gets or sets the line terminator string used by the HtmlTextWriter object. 获取或设置由HtmlTextWriter对象使用的行结束符字符串。
- Gets or sets the line terminator string used by the current TextWriter. 获取或设置由当前TextWriter使用的行结束符字符串。
- Writes an array of characters followed by a line terminator to the text stream. 将后跟行结束符的字符数组写入文本流。
- Writes the specified string, followed by a line terminator, to the text stream. 将后跟行结束符的指定字符串写入文本流。
- Digital Line Termination Unit LT 数字线路终端单元
- Dismounted Line Termination Unit 卸载线路终端装置
- four-wire line termination circuit 四线终端电路
- Writes a subarray of characters followed by a line terminator to the text stream. 将后跟行结束符的字符子数组写入文本流。
- Writes any pending tab spacing and a text string, followed by a line terminator string, to the output stream. 将任何挂起的制表符间距和一个文本字符串写入到输出流,并在后面跟上一个行结束符字符串。
- Writes the text representation of a 4-byte floating-point value followed by a line terminator to the text stream. 将后跟行结束符的4字节浮点值的文本表示形式写入文本流。