- We provide an overview of data cleaning including its content, technology and realization.And we also introduce two main application: detecting outlier and duplicate elimination. 介绍了数据清理的有关内容、技术与实现方案,着重介绍了目前的两个重点研究、应用内容:异常发现与记录重复。
- duplicates elimination [计] 剔除重复
- This research merely duplicates work already done elsewhere. 这项研究仅仅是重复别人已经做过的工作。
- These are duplicates of some scarce books. 这是一些珍本的副本。
- Their elimination from the competition was a great surprise. 他们在比赛中遭到淘汰是个很大的意外。
- Otherwise, the nested query must be processed for each result of the outer query to ensure elimination of duplicates. 否则,为确保消除重复值,必须为外部查询的每个结果都处理嵌套查询。
- Two keys fitting the same lock are duplicates. 两把钥匙能开同一具锁者乃是相同的钥匙。
- Locksmiths can make duplicates of most keys. 锁匠可以配很多种钥匙。
- Contains duplicates of new customers. 包含新客户的重复项。
- Continue Showing this warning for other duplicates? 继续为另外的复制显示出这个警告吗?
- Two keys fittingthe same lock are duplicates. 两把钥匙能开同一具锁者乃是相同的钥匙。
- If you do, should they be originals or duplicates? 如果您,他们应该是原物或复制品吗?
- The list of items to examine for duplicates. 要检查重复项的项列表。
- This is a single elimination tournament. 这是一场简单的淘汰赛。
- Use dead code elimination to implement assertions. 使用无效代码清除策略实现断言。
- Zip- Another kind of gaussian elimination zip, C-C. 另一种高斯消去法。
- What do you think of Brazil's elimination? 您怎样看巴西队的出局?
- Last spring we selected 14 items for elimination. 去年我们淘汰了14种口味
- The elimination starts from the back. 所以行什只出现这一回。
- You can crack the code by a process of elimination. 你可以用消除法破解这个密码。