- durability life expectation 耐久性寿命预测
- Women have a higher life expectancy than men. 女人比男人的预期寿命长。
- Women have a higher life expectancy than men . 女人比男人的预期寿命长。
- Life expectancy is now75.5years. 现在的平均寿命已达到75。5岁。
- Which country has the highest life expectancy? 哪一国家人民平均寿命最高?
- Women have a longer life expectancy than men. 女人比男人的预期寿命长。
- This is due in part to increased life expectancy. 这部分原因是人的预期寿命增加了。
- What is the life expectancy of your product? 预期产品的生命期限?
- Japanese people have a very high life expectancy. 日本人的平均寿命非常长。
- Life expectancy is now 75.5 years. 现在的平均寿命已达到75。5岁。
- And life expectancy can go down as well as up. 而且平均寿命不仅可能增加,也可能会减少。
- Hualien still the best place to live expect the politic issue. 不谈政治.
- Human life expectancy was only 37 years in 1800. 1800年时,人类的平均寿命只有37岁;
- Today the average life expectancy is 56. 而如今,平均期望寿命为56年。
- Life expectancy in Xinjiang has been extended to 71.12 years. 目前新疆人口平均期望寿命延长到71.;12岁。
- Life expectancy is long at 76 years for men and 82 years for women. 香港人也很长寿,男性的平均寿命是七十六岁,女性是八十二岁。
- A number of social factors influence life expectancy. 诸多社会因素左右着人的预期寿命。
- As a result,longevity and life expectancy have increased worldwide. 因此,在世界各地人们寿命和预期 寿命都已延长。
- The life expectancy of the average car,the present government. 一般汽车使用的、现政府执政的预期年限。
- This world of male give up is firm, female ring is chic, pair of give up of strong feeling, didymous romance, sweet in my heart, duteous oath, all one's life expect. 男戒阳刚,女戒指别致,浓情的对戒,成对的浪漫,甜在我心,忠贞的誓言,一辈子的守候。