- double ended dural dissector 双头(硬)脑膜剥离器
- dural dissector (硬)脑膜剥离器
- Dissect the text and find the author's meaning. 仔细分析课文以理解作者的意思。
- In biology class we had to dissect a frog. 上生物课时我们得解剖青蛙。
- Your assignment is to dissect the poem. 你的任务是仔细评论这首诗。
- Your princess is to dissect you. 那个公主是要解剖你啊。
- Carefully dissect through the pericardial sack . 谨慎的剥离心包膜。
- Me? Biological experiment. Today we dissect mouse. 我生物实验。今天是解剖老鼠。
- To avoid hemorrhage, dissect subperiosteally. 行骨膜下剥离,以减少出血。
- PROF.: Let's dissect them and see how they work. 让我们来仔细剖析一下,看看他们到底是怎样工作的。
- The blood can dissect up or down the aorta. 血液可沿主动脉向上或向下剥离动脉。
- The dural is the fin tissue covering the inside of the skull. 硬脑膜是覆盖在颅骨里面的鳍状物组织。
- The world is going to dissect his response. 世界将会剖析他对此次危机做出的回应。
- Let’s dissect this from every possible angle! 让我们从每一个可能的角度剖析它!
- Tentorial dural arteriovenous fistulae are rare clinically. 小脑幕脑膜动静脉瘘临床上比较少见。
- The largest dural area at the L5/S1 level was in sitting extended. L5/S1水平最大的硬脊膜区域出现在长时间坐位时。
- Conclusion The venous sinuses of the dural mater can be classified i... 各组窦均有各自主要的引流区域,且各组窦之间有大量的交通支。
- In spite of this some brave scientists did dissect bodies. 尽管如此,一些勇敢的科学家仍坚持解剖人体。
- Objective To explore the pathogenesis of dural arteriovenous fistula (DAVF). 目的探讨硬脑膜动静脉瘘(DAVF)的发病机理。
- OBJECTIVE: To investigate the impact of axial load on lumbar dural sac. 目的:实验拟探讨轴向负荷对腰椎硬膜囊的影响。