- See that dust cloud disappear without a trace. 看到乌云消失得无影无踪。
- The meteorite might have caused a huge dust cloud. 陨星可引起巨大的尘埃云。
- Earth had encountered a dust cloud much as Mariner 4 had done years earlier. 地球遭遇了类似玛瑞纳4号早些年遭遇的尘埃云团。
- Moments before sunset, a dust cloud settles slowly around tall saguaros after a violent windstorm in Sonora, Mexico. 在墨西哥索诺拉州一场风暴后的日落前瞬间,一团尘雾缓缓萦绕着高大的仙人掌树。
- Landgraf believes this dust cloud could be an important signpost in the search for other planets and life. 但它们现在仍然聚在太阳系周边的事实说明,其正在以每秒钟50吨的速度得到替换,天文学家称,它们是不停地由行星、彗星以及小行星碰撞产生的太空灰尘得到替换的。
- A dark, obscuring dust cloud, the simple, sculpted shape of the Cone Nebula is near the lower left edge. 黑暗、模糊的尘埃云,形状简单的锥形星云位于影像左下边缘附近。
- The rotation of the original gas and dust cloud becomes the revolutions of the planets around the Sun and the rotation of the Sun itself. 气体尘埃云原先的转动,成了行星公转和太阳自转的原动力。
- Koong had taken over a lightstation in the dark dust cloud, and was purposely crashing ships in order to salvage the wrecks. 在那片昏暗的尘云里,孔占据了一座灯塔太空站。他故意使往来的飞船坠毁,从而回收它们的残骸。
- He agrees with other scientists that the dust cloud later cooled and blocked out the sun, but says the land dinosaurs were already history by that time. 他同意其他科学家的观点:随后尘埃云团变冷,阻挡了阳光。但是他认为那个时候陆生恐龙已经成为历史了。
- Hurtling through a cosmic dust cloud a mere 400 light-years away, the Pleiades or Seven Sisters star cluster is well-known for its striking blue reflection nebulae. 它们之前只相隔了400光年的宇宙尘埃,众所周知,昴宿星团或七姐妹星团中含后众多的蓝色反射星云。
- Governor Koong of Roon was eager for an alliance with the Empire, and invited Screed to his profitable salvage operation within the Cloak of the Sith dust cloud. 鲁恩星的孔总督渴望与帝国结盟。他邀请斯克里德参观他的回收厂。这家回收厂位于“西斯之蓬”星际尘云内,为孔带来了丰厚的利润。
- The false color image spans about 1 degree or seven light-years at the distance of the Pleiades, with the densest regions of the dust cloud shown in yellow and red hues. 这张假彩色影像在天空中覆盖大约1度,也就是说在昴星团内横跨7光年,在影像中黄色和红色部分是尘埃中最致密的区域。
- On the right marked by red gas and dust clouds, is irregular galaxy M82. 而在右侧有着红色气体和尘埃云的就是不规则星系M82。
- Experiments show that the different compositions make different ignition delay time, and their effects are remarkable on the maximum velocity of pressure rise and related research of dust cloud. 实验证明,点火药头药剂不同,其化学点火具的点火延迟时间不同,对粉尘云的最大压力上升速率及相关研究结果的影响十分显著。
- About 1,000 light-years across, the twisted cosmic dust cloud apparently shaped like a parallelogram is likely the result of a smaller spiral galaxy falling into the giant Centaurus A. 影像中这个扭曲的宇宙尘埃云,大小约有一千光年,外观很像一个平行四边形,它很可能是一个小星系掉进半人马座A后所形成的。
- A cloud is a mass of vapor in the sky. 云是天空中的水汽团。
- Explanation: Hurtling through a cosmic dust cloud a mere 400 light-years away, the lovely Pleiades or Seven Sisters star cluster is well-known for its striking blue reflection nebulae. 说明: 穿梭在距离我们大约400光年远的尘埃星云内,可爱的昴星团/七姐妹星团以其显著的蓝色反射星云而得名。
- Their winds and radiation sweep out an interstellar cavern in the gas and dust cloud about 200 light-years across, triggering star formation and sculpting the region's dense inner edge. 星团风和辐射横扫了约200光年宽的处于气体和尘埃之中的星际洞穴,从而引发恒星的形成并使得该区域的内边缘非常厚密。
- Probably less than 500 light-years away and effectively blocking light from more distant, background stars in the Milky Way, the densest part of the dust cloud is about 8 light-years long. 尘埃云的致密部分大约有8光年长,距离我们不到500光年远,并且有效地阻挡了我们银河系遥远背景恒星发出的星光。
- Using only backyard telescopes, amateur astronomers are enjoying great views of dust clouds on Mars. 只需用家用型望远镜,业余天文爱好者就能欣赏到火星上的沙尘云团。