- duster for sand treating 砂处理除尘器
- The table is dusty. Go and find a duster for me. 桌上有灰。去给我找把掸子来。
- Water is the restrictive factor for sand industry development. 制约沙产业发展的瓶颈因素是水。
- The takegawara bathhouse is best known for sand baths. 竹瓦温泉澡堂是以沙浴而驰名国外。
- Air conveying system for sanding and de-dusting FS. 砂光除尘风送系统。
- Based on the policy of mill-run and chemical industry heat exchange,a sand treating system suited to negative pressure cavityless casting is designed. 根据选矿和化工热交换原理,设计了一套适合于负压实型铸造的砂处理系统。
- Modification of Jet for Sand Blast to Remove Rust on Oxygen Piping Inner Surface. 氧气管道内部喷砂除锈喷头改进。
- Analyzing the reason and apprehending the mechanism of sand production are the critical technique for sand prevention. 防砂工艺技术的关键在于正确分析油层出砂的原因,并判断油层出砂机制。
- The system may settle abuses of large investment,high energy consumption and much maintain which exist in sand treating system of lost-form casting at large. 该系统可解决消失模铸造砂处理系统中普通存在的投资大、能耗高、噪音大、维修量大且维修不方便的弊端。
- The selection of type of house-bag duster for operating mode with high temperature and filter media,dusting method and the demands on the structure and electric control were demonstrated in the paper. 阐述了袋式除尘器在高温工况下的选型、滤料和清灰方式的选择及其结构和电气控制的要求;
- This cheap, convenient, non-toxic and harmless inorganic cementing agent is an invaluable addition of great importance for sand controlling people. 这种廉价、简便、无毒、无害的无机胶结剂为治沙的人们增添了一件至关重要的法宝。
- The maid did down the walls with a duster. 女佣用掸帚由上而下地刷除四壁上的尘垢。
- dust cleaning in sand treating section 砂处理除尘
- The girl went over the room quickly with a duster. 女孩用掸帚很快地把房间清理了一下。
- For sand grains in water, the change in the direction of light is smaller than in air. 在水里的沙,光的方向变动比在空气小。
- In conclusion, ecomat chessboard type is the best measure for sand control ecologically and economically in this region. 从生态和经济的角度综合考虑,钻字状铺设显然是该区域流沙防治措施中较好的选择。
- For a birthday treat they took him out on the town. 他们为庆贺他的生日请他去城里娱乐场所玩。
- They serve as windbreak, serve for sand fixation and provide fodder and shelter for wild and domestic animals. 生态作用是治风速、固定风沙、给野生动物与畜牧提供饲料与保护。
- A bowl of hot chicken soup is good for you. 喝一碗热鸡汤对你有好处。
- Are you willing to stand surety for your brother? 你愿意当你弟弟的保证人吗?