- There is a dwarf apple tree in our garden. 在我们的花园里有一棵矮苹果树。
- The kind dwarf asked the little princess to have dinner with him. 善良的小矮人邀请小公主和他一起吃晚饭。
- I crossed seas and rivers to search for ginseng. 翻江过海来挖参。
- This is the genuine ginseng from Northeast. 这是道地的东北人参。
- The poor dwarf blushed to hear that. 可怜的侏儒听到这里脸都红了。
- There is a flourishing trade in ersatz ginseng. 人参代用品的买卖很兴
- It is then referred to as a White Dwarf. 这时,它被称为白矮星。
- Where is the best ginseng produced? 哪里的人参最好?
- It looks very much like ginseng. 样子跟人参很相似。
- Very small stars are called dwarf stars. 非常小的恒星叫做矮星。
- My aunt said you wanted some ginseng. 我阿姨说你要些人参。
- Jilin Ginseng Pilose Anlter Co., Ltd. 吉林省参茸公司。
- Cultivation technique of Panax ginseng C. A. Mey. 野山参的培育技术。
- One is a giant, the other a dwarf. 一个是巨人,而另一个却是矮子。
- CODEX Ginseng standard to cover one species? 国际食品法典委员会起草完成人参质量标准?
- The dwarf could do magic tricks. 小矮人会变魔术。
- Ginseng, Fish, Berries, or Caffeine? 人参、鱼、草莓、还是咖啡因?
- The dwarf jumped off and ran toward the shield. 侏儒跳下马往盾的方向跑去。
- Our ginseng tea sales have remained stable. 我们的人参茶销售仍旧是稳定的。
- The poor blind dwarf became very weak. 这可怜的盲侏儒变得非常虚弱。