- dwarf soybean variety 矮化大豆品种
- Selection and Application of a New High-oil Soybean Variety'Cangdou No. 高油大豆新品种沧豆五号选育及应用。
- The average yield of Zayoudou No. 1 was 177.28 kg/667m2 in Anhui soybean variety productive test in 2003, 19.14% higher than that of the check. 2003年参加安徽省夏大豆品种生产试验;平均产量177.;28 kg/667m2;比CK中豆20增产19
- Armiger found differential tolerance to Al among soybean varieties. 阿尔米格尔发现大豆各品种对铝有不同的耐性。
- For a specific soybean variety, the best N fixation efficiency could be achieved only by inoculating a suitable rhizobial strain. 对某一大豆品种而言,只有匹配最佳根瘤菌,才能获得最好的固氮效率。
- The new high yield soybean variety Shidou No.2 was selected through chemical inducement combined with normal breeding by ShiJiazhuang Academy of Agriculture Sciences. 摘要石豆2号是河北省石家庄市农业科学研究院采用化学诱变与常规育种相结合的方法,经多年选育成功的高产大豆新品种。
- The surviving competition ability of transgenic glyphosate-resistant soybean was less than that of conventional soybean variety which was similar with that of recipient soybean in appropriate season. 在适宜季节种植的转基因大豆的生存竞争能力和繁育能力明显低于当地常规品种,表现在复叶数少、植株较矮、结实率低;
- Abstract: Abstract: "Guichun No. 6" is a new spring soybean variety with high protein content.It was bred from hybridization of "Qiyue huangdou" as female and "Guidou No. 2" as male. 文章摘要: 桂春6号系以七月黄豆为母本,桂豆2号为父本,经有性杂交选育而成的高蛋白春大豆新品种。
- Breeding of New Soybean Variety Shandou 125 优质大豆新品种陕豆125的选育
- The seed shattering and persisting ability of all experimental soybean varieties were weak. 所有供试大豆种子的延续能力都很弱。
- Breeding of a new soybean variety Guichun 大豆新品种桂春三号的选育
- Breeding of a new soybean variety Yudou 29 大豆新品种豫豆29号的选育
- There is a dwarf apple tree in our garden. 在我们的花园里有一棵矮苹果树。
- Dillg Y C,Chen M C,Cheng B et al.Phosphorous uptakes and uses of different soybean varieties[J].Acta Bot.Boreal.-Occident Sin.,2005,5(9):1791-797. [1]丁玉川;陈明昌;程滨;等.;不同大豆品种磷的吸收和利用[J]
- Institute of Xinjiang soybean variety(early maturity groups) regional trials were conducted in 2004 to 2005,its average yield was 3 400.05 kg/hm2 and increased by 8.68% more than contrast Adou No. 1,which got the first in all experiment varieties yield. 2004~2005年参加新疆大豆品种(早熟组)区域试验;平均产量3400.;05kg/hm2;较对照阿豆1号增产8
- Symptoms are differentin different varieties when inoculated with the same SMV strain,showing there are interac-tion between soybean varieties and SMV strains. 不同品种接种后的症状类型不同,表明症状反应是品种与株系互作的结果。
- A variety of food is sold at a supermarket. 超级市场各式各样的食物均有出售。
- Hereditary potency of agronomic characters and nutritional characteristics were analyzed according to 15 vegetable soybean varieties at the podding stage. 对15个菜用大豆品种鲜荚采摘期的农艺性状及品质性状的遗传潜力进行了研究。
- The kind dwarf asked the little princess to have dinner with him. 善良的小矮人邀请小公主和他一起吃晚饭。
- Xinjiang soybean variety by (early maturity groups) production trials were conducted in 2005,its average yield reached 2 962.05 kg/hm2 and increased by 2.67% more than contrast Adou No. 1,which came to the second in all varieties yield. 2005年参加新疆大豆品种(早熟组)生产试验;平均产量2962.;05kg/hm2;比对照阿豆1号增产2