- dynamic bearing capacity 动承载力
- Bearing capacity research of high and low ACSR. 高(浅)拱形波纹钢屋盖承载力的研究。
- This article narrates a innovated dynamic penetration test method that mainly corroborates soil bearing capacity . 探讨了一种改进的动力触探方法,主要用于确定土的承载力。
- The speed index is the development index of the bearing capacity. 速度指标为承载力发展指数。
- Study on environmental bearing capacity and its quantification. 环境承载力的本质及其定量化初步研究。
- Bearing capacity research of ACSR with unequal altitude support. 支座不等高拱形波纹钢屋盖承载力的研究。
- Conic roller bearing is used for desirable bearing capacity. 园锥滚柱轴承,承载力大。
- After the dynamic consolidation the foundation of the one-storied workshop, Xianfan Automobile Factory, has attained the design demand in bearing capacity. 对东风汽车公司襄樊轻型车厂总装协作配件库的单层厂房地基,采用强夯加固使承载力达到设计要求。
- The practice indicates dynamic compaction has notable impact on improving foundation bearing capacity, reducing the compression of the soil and eliminating the humid flaw. 结果表明,强夯在提高地基承载力、减少土体压缩性、消除湿陷性等方面效果较为明显。
- In all other cases it is first necessary to calculate the equivalent dynamic bearing load. 在所有其它情况下,首先需要计算当量轴承动负荷。
- In all other cases it is necessary to first calculate the equivalent dynamic bearing load. 在所有其他情况下,必须首先计算当量轴承动负荷。
- The bearing capacity is related to many factors such as width and space of CFS. 承载力的提高与碳纤维布条的幅宽、净间距等因素有关,试验测得在不同的条件下,承载力的提高幅度为19%25~37%25。
- The Fluid Dynamic Bearing offers a unique 400\'000 h MTTF at 40 C. Therefore we grant a unique 6 years warranty. 流体动态注油轴承在40度恒温下可持续工作400000小时.;还可享受6年质保
- The Fluid Dynamic Bearing offers a unique 400'000 h MTTF at 40 C. Therefore we grant a unique 6 years warranty. 流体动态注油轴承在40度恒温下可持续工作400000小时.;还可享受6年质保
- Lining cracks will affect the bearing capacity and the safety of tunnels. 隧道衬砌开裂将影响隧道的承载能力和使用安全。
- The current formula of bearing capacity of compound foundation is revised. 并对目前复合地基承载力的计算公式进行了修正。
- The ultimate uplift bearing capacity,failure mechanism of piles were studied. 研究了极限上拔承载力和抗拔桩的破坏机理。
- All information and data required for calculating the equivalent dynamic bearing load will be found in the introductory text to each product section and in the product tables. 计算当量轴承动负荷所需所有信息和数据,见每个产品章节的序言和产品表。
- The formula for evaluating the horizonta l limit bearing capacity is suggested. 建议了计算单桶基础水平极限承载力的关系式。
- Therefore, the calculating method for the bearing capac ity and the deformation of underpinning structure were derived. 并建立了新旧混凝土交接面承载力的计算公式 ;进而提出了桩梁式托换结构承载力和变形的计算方法 .