- dynamic braking device 电机制动装置
- A wedge or other braking device. 楔子,垫石楔子或其他刹车装置
- On the condition without DC power, the SCR could be used to realize dynamic braking. 在无法取得直流电源的情况下,利用可控硅元件,也可实现能耗制动。
- A train's propulsion drive system provides the vehicle's traction and dynamic braking performance. 列车的牵引驱动系统为车辆提供了牵引和动态制动性能。
- The arm disc brake is a new type of braking device which is mainly used on hoisting and conveying machinery. 臂架式盘式制动器是一种新型的主要适用于起重运输机械的制动装置。
- Safety: Spontaneous electrical dynamic braking can prevent car slip effectively. 自动电式能耗制动,有效防止溜车危险。
- The DZS brake is fricative braking device automatically set to working by a spring when a power-cut occurs. DZS系列电磁失电制动器为通电脱离(释放),断电弹簧制动的摩擦式制动器。
- Generally, a dynamic brake can be used whenever regenerative energy is dissipated on an occasional or periodic basis. 当系统偶尔或周期性的产生回馈能量,我们通常会选择制动单元。
- Electric eddy retarder is a kind of auxiliary braking device which can increase the life of vehicles' transmitting and braking systems. 摘要缓速器是一种辅助刹车系统,无接触制动方式,通过车轮高速转动与电磁作用,吸收车辆制动能量,达到减速的目的。
- The features,system arrangement, working princi ple and so on of additive servo relief valve to dynamic braking system of lcader are intreduced. 介绍了装载机动力制动系统增加的继动应急阀特点、系统布置和系统工作原理等。
- The field application demonstrated the new computer- controlled single car experiment device can ensure the veracity and reliability of braking device performance experiment. 现场实际使用结果证明新研制的微机控制单车试验器系统工作稳定,能有效的保证制动机性能试验的准确与可靠。
- The dynamic braking means that after three-phase voltage is switched off asynchronous dynamo, the DC current flows into the stator circuit to realize dynamo braking. 能耗制动是在异步电动机切离三相电源后,在定子回路通入直流电流,实现能耗制动。
- When for SCR dynamic brake is used,comman crane's lowening operation is improved.The crane's automatic level,stability is increase d with safety and cconomy. 可控硅能耗制动装置用于普通起重机改造,提高了自动化程度,增强了起重机的稳定性,既安全又经济。
- The technical problem-that the gliding rotary arm after braking is smaller than a small angle-is solved through internal contracting brake device designed by using electromagnetic circuit. 利用电磁电路设计的抱闸装置,解决了回转臂系统刹车后,滑动小于某一小角度这一技术难题。
- The bench can simulate visually the dynamic braking procedure with motion inertia, gather the sensors signals and analyze the braking parameters, and evaluate objectively the performances of ABS. 该平台能模拟行驶惯性条件下的汽车动态制动过程,通过实时采集和分析传感器信号和制动参数,能对各种汽车ABS系统的制动效能进行有效测试。
- According to mine coal silt water warehouse loader in the mine working condition,size reduction and lower costs on the premise that we have devised a kind of brake device driven by hydraulic engine. 根据煤矿水仓淤煤装载机在矿井下的工况特点,在减小体积,降低成本的前提下,设计了以液压推动器为驱动的制动装置。
- Two sets of brake devices, a hand brake and foot pedal brake, assure the machine's safety and dependability. 手刹车和脚刹车两套制动装置,保证机器的安全性和可靠性。
- Design of Braking Device of Outdoor Hoist 露天龙门吊驻车制动装置的设计
- Probing into Dynamic Braking Method for Mine Hoist 矿用提升机动力制动方法探讨
- Braking device dynamometer test procedure- 载重汽车和客车制动器和制动设备动力模拟试验-