- Experimental study of dynamic constitutive equation for body material of composite perforation gun 复合射孔枪枪身材料动态本构关系的试验研究
- A Dynamic Constitutive Equation and It's Application to Unidirectional-Solidified Horizontal-Continuous-Casting Polycrystal Copper 定向凝固水平连铸多晶铜的动态本构方程
- dynamic constitutive equation 动态本构方程
- Perhaps constitutive equation has to be fortified by experimental evidence. 本构方程或许还得用试验数据予以验证。
- The theoretical analysis of the test results leads to the constitutive equation of RRR. 并且在理论分析的基础上,建立了该材料在纵向冲击拉伸下的本构方程。
- Based on rheologic test results,a new epoxy resin constitutive equation was proposed with mathematical justification. 根据环氧树脂流变性能实验结果,经过严格的数学推导,提出了一种新的未固化环氧树脂的本构模型。
- The stress-strain dynamic constitutive relationship of intact loess and man-made loess show the hyperbolic model. 原状黄土和重塑黄土的应力应变本构关系呈双曲线型;
- The expert system based on artificial neural network was used, and the constitutive equation of PRMMCs was built. 采用基于人工神经网络的专家系统,建立了颗粒增强金属基复合材料的本构方程。
- On the basis of the microstructure of mushy zone, a constitutive equation was established. 根据液固两相区的微观结构推导了适于分析两相区变形的本构方程。
- Based on the model, a constitutive equation is introduced for the oedometric case and sensitivity of its parameters is analysized in detail. 基于该模型,对于单轴轴对称情况下,引入发一个本构方程,并详细分析了该模型各个参数的变化对结果的敏感性。
- The model consists of a spring and a dashpot.It is assumed that the constitutive equation described in a previous study can be applied to the spring. 本模型是由弹簧与阻尼器串连组成,弹簧部分采用作者曾经提出的本构方程;
- Considered the diffusion of liquid in the cylinder wall, an equivalent constitutive equation of osteon in the longitudinal direction was obtained. 并考虑了液体在筒壁内的扩散,从而得到了骨单元沿轴向的等效本构方程。
- Based on the elasto-viscoplastic constitutive equation, the history of stress and strain is analyzed during uniaxis tension under oscillatory loading. 基于弹粘塑性本构关系,讨论了附加振动时单轴拉伸的应变及应力变化过程。
- Isothermal flow of the polymer melt in channel was discussed based on the work principle of screw in dynamic processing with self-mended Tanner constitutive equations. 同时,近似地给出了振动力场下注塑螺杆熔体输送能力的表达式,理论分析了振动参数对沿程压力降及动态成型熔体输送能力的影响。
- The specific coefficients of thermal viscoplastic constitutive equation for TB2 were obtained by use of the least square method and C coded programs. 通过采用最小二乘法和C语言编程拟合热粘塑性本构方程中的待定参数,并在此基础上对绝热剪切带内温升进行了估算。
- The dynamic constitutive models of saturated soils play an important role to the calculation of the dynamic response of soils and the solution to geotechnical initial and boundary value problems. 饱和土体的动力本构模型对于土体的动力反应计算分析和岩土工程初边值问题的求解发挥着重要的作用。
- This means that constitutive equations must be framed in tensor language. 这意味着建立本构方程必须采用张量符号。
- Nonlinear analysis concrete filled steel tubular arches' mechanical property was researched.The appropriate constitutive equation was selected. 摘要对一个模型拱进行了非线性分析,研究了钢管混凝土拱的力学性能。
- In this paper, the advances on the research of the dynamic constitutive models of the saturated sand and clay are reviewed and summarized in detail, and suggestions are provided for future developments and studies. 本文对饱和砂土和饱和粘土动力本构模型的研究进展情况进行了较为详细的综述,并对其未来发展的一些方向和有待进一步研究的问题作了介绍。