- Dynamic Damage and Failure Mechanism of Rock and Its Damage Variable 岩石动态损伤断裂机理与损伤变量
- dynamic damage variable 动态损伤变量
- Two parameters describing the damage variable can be determined according to the tri-axial tests of rocks. 根据岩石三轴试验,可确定该模型中表述损伤变量的双参数。
- The relationship between damage variable D(K_1 ) and number of fatigue cycles (N) can be used to detect fatigue damage and to divine fatigue life tbr metal materials. 利用损伤变量D(K_1)和循环次数N的关系曲线,可以对材料进行疲劳损伤检测并对其疲劳寿命进行预测。
- Introducing the time-dependent damage variable into the constitutive equations of the crack zone, we modified the Dugdale model of crack damage zone around crack-tip. 对裂尖银纹损伤区的Dugdale模型进行了修正,将时间、位置、应变相关的损伤变量引入到银纹区的本构方程中。
- According to basic damage principle, the shear damage variable of rock and the pull damage variable of grout body are defined, and the damage evolution equation is suggested. 摘要根据损伤理论的基本原理,分别定义了岩体剪切损伤变量和受拉浆体材料的损伤变量,确定了各自相应的损伤演化方程;
- A new dynamic damage and failure model for modeling penetration into concrete or reinforced concrete materials is presented based on TCK damage model. 在TCK模型的基础上开发了一个用于混凝土或钢筋混凝土碰撞或侵彻的损伤模型。
- Structure at work was affected by vibration and impact loads inescapability.So, dynamic damage and destroy is the primary failure mode of structure. 工程结构在服役期间不可避免地受到各种复杂的振动、冲击载荷的作用,动力损伤或破坏是其主要的失效形式。
- It can be concluded that the transversal wave, especially the unloading transversal wave is especially important for the dynamic damage investigation of brittle materials. 这表明,采用剪切波,尤其是卸载剪切波来探测岩石内部动态损伤非常有效。
- Lastly, defined the damage variable about damage area and obtained the relation between damage variable and damage deviatoric stress which correspond exactly to the damage propagation characteristics. 结合损伤理论定义了以损伤面积作为损伤因子的损伤变量,损伤变量与偏应力间的曲线关系符合岩石损伤演化特性。
- This paper expatiates upon the principle and application of Acoustic Emission (AE), and it is known that AE technique is applicable to HTPB composite solid propellant dynamic damage process. 阐述了声发射(AE)原理及应用,指出AE技术适用于研究HTPB复合固体推进剂动态损伤过程。
- This paper expatiates upon the principle and application of Acoustic Emission (A E), and it is known that AE technique is applicable to HTPB composite solid prop ellant dynamic damage process. 阐述了声发射(AE)原理及应用,指出AE技术适用于研究HTPB复合固体推进剂动态损伤过程。
- The three-dimensional finite element analysis of anisotropic brittle dynamic damage mechanism for gravity dam and rock foundation subjected to the blast-impact load has been carried out. 以连续损伤力学为基础,用三维动力损伤有限元模型分析混凝土重力坝及其岩石基础在爆炸冲击荷载作用下的各向异性脆性动力损伤问题。
- The damage factors suitable for recycled fiber damage were defined elementally, with which evolvement rules of paper strength with damage variables were studied. 最后本文引入了损伤力学理论,初步定义了适合二次纤维损伤的损伤变量,研究了纸页强度性能随损伤变量的演化规律;
- anisotropic brittle dynamic damage 各向异性脆性动力损伤
- dynamic damage constitutive model 动力损伤本构模型
- Keywords Damage variable;Macro mesoscopic;Acoustoelastic method; 损伤变量;宏观;细观;超声波;
- dynamic damage evolution equation 损伤发展方程
- We are looking for dynamic persons to be salesmen. 我们正在寻找充满活力的销售人员。
- The relations and differences of the existing various definitions of damage (single scalar, double scalar, second rank and fourth rank tensor damage variables) are expounded for the first time. 首次阐明了材料损伤度的多种定义(损伤的单标量、双标量、二阶张量与四阶张量描述)之间的区别与联系。