- dynamic groundwater level 动水位
- The groundwater level appears marked spatiotemporal dynamic change rule after the transport. 结果显示,输水后地下水位表现出明显的时空动态变化规律。
- The results not only proved that TEM approach is less sensitive to resistive anomaly than the conductive one, but also illustrate that TEM method is good enough in water exploration as well as dynamic monitoring to the changing of groundwater level. 结果一方面证明瞬变电磁法对高阻体的分辨能力不及低阻体,另一方面说明瞬变电磁法对地下水的探测能力比较灵敏,可以胜任找水的工作。 也说明TEM方法不但可以用于找水,还以用于地下水水位的动态监测。
- Groundwater levels fall; rivers get drier and drier. 地下水位降低;河流变得越来越干涸。
- That time the result must cause the back-up groundwater level rising in Songbei district and immersion problem. 届时势必要引起松北区地下水水位的塑高,导致发生区内浸没问题。
- The change in the well loss value with time and with groundwater level drawdown is also discussed. 最后分析水跃值随时间和抽水井水位降深的变化规律。
- This paper describes the design of a regional groundwater level monitoring network in Urumqi River Basin. 摘要文章阐述了乌鲁木齐河流域区域地下水水位监测网的优化设计。
- From top to bottom into the shallow groundwater level, salt water, fresh water deep three. 地下水从上到下分为浅水层、咸水、深层淡水三种。
- The groundwater level was an important reason for soil salinization its contribution was of 11.1%. 地下水水位过高是引起土壤盐渍化的重要原因,贡献率11.;1%25;
- This paper focus on the effect of groundwater level by gold gangue and a model was estabished. 为此,我们概化了水文地质条件,选取了合理的参数,建立了模型,重点分析了金矿尾矿库对地下水水位的影响。
- A groundwater level monitoring network fitting in with Jinan Karstic Spring Area has been designed. 设计出了适合济南岩溶泉域的地下水水位监测网。通过实际验证,地下水监测网符合实际要求。
- In areas which are prone to salinization-alkalization and water-logging, measures shall be taken to control and lower the groundwater level. 在容易发生盐碱化和渍害的地区,应当采取措施,控制和降低地下水的水位。
- dynamic characters of groundwater level 地下水位动态特征
- Hongtong city located in east bank of Fenhe River and has high groundwater level, which cause the difficulty of city pipe network s laying out. 洪洞县地处汾河东岸,地下水位高,敷设城市管网困难很大,且目前无煤气和热力管网。
- Terrain configuration of Longlong area is gullies arranged in a crisscross pattern with precipitous gully walls,thick loess and deep groundwater level. 陇龙地区的地形特征一是冲沟纵横交错,沟壁陡立;二是黄土层厚度大,潜水位深。
- By analyzing on testing results, when we speak of that soils are under groundwater level, it does not mean the soils are saturated. 并且,根据实验分析,地下水位以下的粘性土并不都是饱和的。
- With decompress well and drainage ditch to drain and decompress can effectively reduce groundwater level and prevent immersion outside reservoir. 减压井和排渗沟联合排渗减压是降低地下水位、防止库外浸没的有效措施。
- The hydrogeologic conditions of Anqing copper mine are analyzed herein based on data of pit water gushing and observation of groundwater level. 本文利用矿坑突(涌)水资料及矿区地下水位观测资料对安庆铜矿水文地质条件进行分析和概化。
- The consistency of the calculated groundwater level and the measured shows this simulation model can well reflect the actual hydrogeological condition. 结果表明,计算模型与实际水文地质条件比较接近,计算水位与实测水位相吻合。
- Combined with field examples,we discussed the application ef-fect in cave detection and groundwater level determination using EWCT. 简述了电磁波层析成像(EWCT)技术的原理和实现方法,结合实例讨论了EWCT在溶洞探测和地下水位探测中的应用效果。