- The physical properties and dynamic mechanical properties of TPI/HVBR/SBR blends were investigated. 对高反式 1,4 聚异戊二烯 (TPI) /高乙烯基聚丁二烯橡胶 (HVBR) /SBR共混物的综合物理性能和动态力学性能进行研究。
- The structure and dynamic mechanical properties are investigated via SEM,DMA,etc. 利用SEM、DMA等,研究了该材料的结构和动态力学性能等。
- The dynamic mechanical properties of IIR/resin curative blend system were investigated. 研究IIR/树脂硫化剂共混体系的动态力学性能。
- The dynamic mechanical properties of Sn-coupled SSBR compounds and vulcanizates were stuided and compared with ESBR. 研究了锡偶联型SSBR混炼胶及其硫化胶的动态力学性能,并与ESBR做了对比。
- The effects of diol content on the dynamic mechanical properties and impact strength of the blends were investigated. 系统地研究了二元醇含量对共混材料动态力学性能、冲击性能的关系。
- In this paper, the dynamic mechanical properties of raw lacquer and some typical urushiol-metal polymers were tested. 测试了生漆及几种典型的漆酚金属聚合物的动态力学性能,并从分子热运动角度解释了其分子结构与性能的关系。
- The curing behavior,mechanical properties,compression elastic modulus and dynamic mechanical properties of CR/SBR blends were investigated. 探讨了氯丁橡胶(CR)/丁苯橡胶(SBR)共混胶料的硫化特性,共混硫化胶的力学性能、压缩弹性模量和动态力学性能。
- The mechanical properties of copolymer CO 2-ECH was studied by the analysis of dynamic mechanical behavior and stress-strain. 通过聚合物的动态力学行为和应力 -应变分析 ,研究了 CO2 - ECH共聚物的力学性能。
- Dynamic mechanical properties of RPS/CPE blend was examined and compared with the RPS in order to better characterize the blend. 对RPS/CPE共混物还进行了动态力学表征,并与RPS进行比较以进一步了解共混物的特征。
- Mechanical properties of different conditions were tested which include tensile, flexural interlaminar shear and dynamic mechanical performance. 对碳纤维增强聚苯硫醚复 合材料拉伸性能、不同条件下的剪切性能和弯曲性能进行了研究。
- The gel content, dynamic mechanical thermal analysis (DMTA) and mechanical properties were used to investigate the properties of crosslinked films. 研究了预聚物的固化速度、固化膜的力学性能和凝胶含量,开通过动态力学热分析(DMTA)进行了表征。
- The influence of abnormal morphology on the tensile, thermal and dynamic mechanical properties of polyamide fiber was studied. 考察了聚酰胺纤维异形化对于纤维拉伸性能、热性能和动态力学性能的影响。
- The effects of LDPE/SBR blend and sulfur content on the dynamic mechanical properties of modified asphalts were investigated with a strain-controlled rheometry. 摘要利用应变控制流变仪考察了共混物、硫磺及其用量等因素对LDPE/SBR改性沥青动态力学性能的影响。
- The influence of silica level on the rheology, elastic memory, curing behaviour, equillbrium stress-strain and dynamic mechanical properties of silica-reinforced ENR was studied. 研究了白炭黑用量对环氧化天然橡胶(ENR)流变性能、弹性记忆、硫化特性、平衡应力-应变及动态力学性能的影响。
- The comprehensive physical properties and dynamic mechanical properties of TPI/HVBR/NR (trans 1,4 polyisoprene/high vinyl polybutadiene) blends were investigated. 对高反式1,4聚异戊二烯(TPI)/高乙烯基聚丁二烯橡胶(HVBR)/NR共混物的综合物理性能和动态力学性能进行研究。
- Dynamic mechanical properties fo epoxy resins(EP)/poly(ethylene oxide) blends cured with phthalic anhydride(PA) and 4,4'-diaminodiphenylmethane(DDM)were studied. 研究了环氧树脂/聚氧乙烯分别在邻苯二甲酸酐和4,4'-二氨基二苯甲烷为固化剂条件下的固化剂用量、类型和固化共混物的动态力学性能。
- The SiCp/Al composites are fabricated by using spark plasma sintering (SPS), and their dynamic mechanical properties are tested by using split Hopkinson pressure bar (SHPB). SiC颗粒增强铝基复合材料采用放电等离子烧结(Spark Plasma Sintering,SPS)技术制备,并用分离式Hopkinson压杆(Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar,SHPB)装置测试其动态力学性能。
- The effects of blend ratio, curing system, reinforcement agents, soften agents and silane coupling agents on dynamic mechanical properties of IIR/CIIR blends were researched. 研究了共混比、硫化体系、增强剂、软化剂和硅烷偶联剂对IIR/CIIR共混胶动态力学性能的影响。
- The effect of SBS and SWD on dynamic mechanical properties,dynamic viscosity,low-temperature physical properties of the asphalt after aging were examined. 结果表明,SBS与含硫稳定剂的加入改善了老化后沥青的高温性能;
- The thermal and dynamical mechanical properties of nylon 1212/EPDM-g-MAH are studied by means of DSC and DMA. 利用示差扫描量热法、动态粘弹谱仪研究了尼龙1212/EPDM-g-MAH共混体系的热行为和动态力学性能。