- dynamic paging of memory 存储器动态分页法,存储器动态页面调动
- He let his mind shuffle through the pages of memory until it came to a shop on a page that he enjoyed the most. 记忆像一本翻开的书,停在他最喜欢的那一页。
- The letters page of this newspaper is a forum for public argument. 这份报纸的读者来信栏是公众意见的论坛。
- There are several faults in the page of figures. 那一页的数字中有几个差错。
- She's suffering from loss of memory. 她患有遗忘症。
- He has lost his faculty of memory. 他失去了记忆力。
- This topic describes how pages of memory from the buffer pool are assigned when using non-uniform memory access (NUMA). 本主题介绍,在使用非一致性内存访问(NUMA)时,如何分配缓冲池中的内存页。
- He suffered a temporary loss of memory. 他暂时丧失了记忆。
- The computer has two million bytes of memory. 该电脑的记忆有两百万单位。
- Each page of this dictionary has two columns of text. 本词典每页上有两列正文。
- The story was splashed across the front page of the newspaper. 这篇报道刊登在报纸头版显著位置。
- Dynamic page header and page footer content. 动态页眉和页脚内容。
- It's a poor sort of memory that only work backwards. 只会向后作用的记忆力可就差劲了。
- Please write down your initials on each page of the paper. 请在每页考卷上写下名字的首字母。
- In the evening it ripens into a golden fruit of memory. 在黄昏中,这花成熟为一颗记忆的金果。
- He sat there idly turning the pages of a book. 他无聊地坐在那儿翻著书。
- Steven could rattle off a page of the telephone directory if you asked him. 如果你叫史蒂芬背电话号码,他可以一口气背出一页。
- Protecting the contents of an area of memory by writing to a backing store. 通过写入后备存储器对存储器的内容的保护。
- The first 64 pages of the book have been printed. 该书的前 64 页已印出。
- A few pages of this book are wanting. 这本书缺了几页。