- Model of Dynamic Price Cap for Regulation of Electricity Market 电力市场监管中的动态价格上限模型
- dynamic price cap 动态价格上限
- Hence, this paper introduced a new price cap setting method, which adjust price cap automatically with supply-demand relationship and evaluation index of market power. 为此,本文提出一种新的市场限价设置方法,能够根据市场供需关系变化和市场力评估指标自动调整。
- Price caps can also discourage investment and innovation. 价格封顶也会阻碍投资和创新。
- This paper describes dynamic price oscillation processes of intermediate product of supply chain and gives the conditions of convergent price oscillation system. 本文描述了供应链中间产品价格振荡的动态过程,给出并证明价格振荡系统收敛的条件。
- In the regulation practice of natural monopoly industry,the western countries have adopted various incentive regulation forms,such as price cap regulation,social contract system,franchise bidding regulation and yardstick competition regulation. 西方国家在自然垄断产业的规制实践中,采用了多种多样的激励性规制形式,如价格上限规制、社会契约制度、特许投标规制、标尺竞争规制等。
- Firstly, the paper performs a pharmaceuticals price regulation model after analyzing applicability of Rate of Return and Price Cap regulation models and introducing pharmacoeconomics indexes. 第一,通过结合投资回报率和价格上限规制模型,引入药物经济学评价指标,建立了中国的药品价格规制模型。
- The extension of price discount policy quantity-price discount policy, can also realize supply chain coordination under dynamic pricing policy. 另外,价格折扣契约的变形-数量价格折扣契约也可以实现零售商动态定价时供应链协调。
- Bruce A, Jee-Hyeong P. Dynamic Pricing in the Presence of AD Policy[ R]. NBER Working Paper No.8477, September 2001. 钟根元;王方华.;完全信息动态博弈下反倾销税率优化定价模型[J]
- Price cap regulation in electricity market 电力市场中的价格上限管制
- Setting reasonable price cap in electricity market 电力市场合理价格上限之确定
- The dynamic prices as the decision variables were introduced into multi-item capacitated lot sizing problem with backlogging. 制造商处于垄断地位,具有定价主导权。
- incentive-based price cap mechanism 价格帽激励机制
- When retailer's dynamic pricing policy is considered, we wonder which contracts can realize the supply chain coordination. 考察了制造商采取何种契约能够实现与零售商的双赢-供应链协调。
- Governments seeking to shield their citizens with subsidies or price caps should instead expose them to the full cost to foster frugality. 政府不应该为了保护公民而提供津贴或者限价,相反应该让公民直接去承受全部成本以培养节俭的习惯。
- According to the interposal differences, factors that bring on the discrepancies of standards are analyzed and the dynamic prices regulation coefficient is fixed. 根据不同地区的差距分析了导致标准的差异性的因素,并确定了物价动态调节系数。
- The Bush administration says artificial price caps would just make conditions worse. 而布什政府则说人为的价格封顶只会使形势恶化。
- Even as exchanges emerge to enable rich interaction among companies, businesses are looking to the Internet to enable the adoption of truly dynamic pricing. 正当信息交换技术的出现使得企业间极富价值的相互作用成为可能之时,各企业正期待着因特网将真正有活力的定价方式变为可能。
- India has gradually been allowing the price of petrol to rise but price caps have hit state-run refiners. 印度已逐步允许汽油价格上涨,但价格上限打击了国营炼油商。
- The decision to reimpose price caps on coal also risks discouraging production by domestic coal miners. 限价令还可能会挫伤国内煤炭生产商的积极性。