- In the steel with low carbon content, dynamic recrystallization of ferrite is easy to occur. 碳含量低;动态再结晶易于发生.
- At the same velocity,the dynamic recrystallization phenomenon is rather distinct with the rise of temperature. 在相同的速度下,随着温度的升高,动态再结晶现象比较明显。
- It was discovered that there is no distinct influence of percentage of dynamic recrystallization on meta-dynamic recrystallization. 发现动态再结晶百分比对亚动态再结晶过程没有明显的影响。
- In the role of the heat activation, the denser dislocations produced during deformation may result in the dynamic recrystallization. 在蠕变第三阶段,裂纹在晶界处产生,并沿晶界韧性撕裂扩展是该合金的蠕变断裂机制;
- The flow stress falls down after a peak value with the increase of strain in other conditions, showing dynamic recrystallization. 而在其他条件下,应力达到峰值后随应变的增加而逐渐下降,表现出动态再结晶特征。
- And there is twin dynamic recrystallization in the HERT process.The twins and secondary twins can hinder the spreading of cracks. 变形过程发生了孪生动态再结晶,孪晶和二次孪晶的产生可以阻碍裂纹扩展,镁在基面滑移与孪生的交互作用下形成微晶和孪晶位错;
- The grain size decreases and the rate of dynamic recrystallization increases with increasing passes of reciprocating extrusion. 随着往复挤压道次的增加,动态再结晶速度加快,晶粒尺寸迅速减小;
- The combined effect of V and RE can delay the dynamic recrystallization, refine the grain and second phase particles, and promote the precipitation of V( C, N) considerably. 钒和稀土复合微合金化有更强的推迟形变奥氏体动态再结晶,抑制奥氏体晶粒长大和细化晶粒的作用。
- The experimental results show that dynamic recrystallization occur in evidence during hot compression deformation of KFC copper alloy in the range of experiments. 结果表明:在实验范围内,KFC铜合金热压缩变形过程中发生明显的动态再结晶;
- The microstructures of AZ31B magnesium alloy as extrusion and anneal were studied.The results showed that the dynamic recrystallization took place during the hot extruding. 对AZ31B镁合金挤压材加工态和退火态组织进行了研究,结果表明镁合金在热挤压过程中发生了动态再结晶。
- The variation of volume fractions for static and dynamic recrystallization, and austenite grain size during rolling process are obtained by model calculation. 通过对再结晶动力学模型的解析,得到了静态再结晶、动态再结晶的分数以及奥氏体晶粒在轧制过程中的变化情况;
- Structure change rules of static and dynamic recrystallization on thermal deformation of AZ31B magnesium alloy thin sheet were investigated by thermal stretch machine,metalloscope and SEM. 采用热拉伸试验机、光学显微镜和扫描电镜等研究了AZ31B镁合金薄板热变形过程中静态再结晶和动态再结晶组织的变化规律。
- The results show that dynamic recovery and dynamic recrystallization have occurred in pure iron during plastic deformation , which were attributed to adiabatic temperature rise due to shock wave and plastic deformation work . 结果表明 :塑性变形时纯铁内发生动态回复和动态再结晶 ,这与冲击波引起的绝热温升和塑性变形功产生的绝热温升有关 ;
- The cellular automata(CA) model with dynamic recrystallization(DRX) is proposed and used to investigate the flow behavior and microstructure evolution during hot compression of AZ91 alloy. 采用基于动态再结晶的元胞自动机模型模拟分析AZ91镁合金热压缩过程中的流变行为及组织演变。
- Furthermore, both the effect of martensite lath boundaries on the nucleation of dynamic recrystallization, and the mechanism of nucleation and growth of equiaxial nanometer grains were revealed. 揭示了马氏体板条界面在温变形过程中对动态再结晶形核的作用,及退火过程中等轴纳米晶粒的形成机制和长大机制。
- It was analysed that micro-structures for superalloy GH169 were changed and effected by temperature, speed and degree of deformation in friction welding on the dynamic recrystallization. 分析了摩擦焊接过程中GH169高温合金的变形温度、变形速度和变形程度对其动态再结晶所发生的显微组织的变化和影响。
- The weld nugget had a dynamic recrystallized,fine isometric crystal structure. 其中,焊核为明显的再结晶等轴晶粒,晶粒明显细化;
- initial dynamic recrystallization 初始动态再结晶
- We are looking for dynamic persons to be salesmen. 我们正在寻找充满活力的销售人员。
- Keywords Boron;Microalloy Steel;Dynamic Recrystallization;Model; 硼;微合金钢;动态再结晶;模型;