- dynamic resource assignment 动态资源分配
- Retrieves a dynamic resource during compilation. 在编译期间检索动态资源。
- The file extension of the dynamic resource used during compilation. 编译期间使用的动态资源的文件扩展名。
- This is a typical dynamic resource sharing and information exchange. 这是典型的动态资源共享和信息交换。
- How do resource assignments drive the schedule? 资源分配如何驱动日程?
- Thus, a model of the best dynamic resource control system of ISCS is proposed. 建立了ISCS最优动态资源控制系统模型。
- To update actual work for a resource assignment in a different time interval (for example, weekly or monthly) you can change the timescale. 若要更新资源分配在不同时间间隔内(如每周或每月)的实际工时,请更改时间刻度。
- If no actuals have been reported on the task, the entire task is reassigned to the new resource, and the original resource assignment is removed. 如果没有报告该任务的实际值,则整个任务都会重新分配给新资源,而原始资源分配将被删除。
- If you want the Resource Substitution Wizard to assign proposed (soft booking: A resource assignment type that can be used for planning purposes. 如果希望“资源置换向导”分配建议的(软预订:一种资源分配类型,可用于制定计划。
- If you want to update actual accrued resource assignment costs on a daily basis, on the Format menu, point to Details, and then click Actual Cost. 如果希望逐日更新实际累计的资源分配成本,请指向“格式”菜单上的“详细信息”,再单击“实际成本”。
- RBS has a small to minimal effect on the resource assignment process when project managers are responsible for resource management. 而资源管理权限掌握在项目经理手中,RBS对资源分配流程的影响可忽略不计。
- To enter a total cost for a resource assignment that does not require work but you want to keep the duration unchanged, on the View menu, click Gantt Chart. 若要为不需要工时的资源分配输入总的成本值,请在“视图”菜单上,单击“甘特图”。
- Gets or sets an assembly reference to use during compilation of a dynamic resource. 获取或设置编译动态资源时要使用的程序集引用。
- Gets or sets the file extension to map to during compilation of a dynamic resource. 获取或设置在动态资源编译期间要映射到的文件扩展名。
- The control level guide Agent takes the resource assignment decision from the higher level Agent and guides the lower level Agent to achieve global optimization. 控制级引导Agent从上级Agent 那里获得资源设定安排,引导底层Agent 完成整体最优化;
- References a directory location that is used during compilation of a dynamic resource. 引用编译动态资源时使用的目录位置。
- If SQE had any roadblock during solving problem at the 4th diamond stage, it could be escaladed to SQE manager for support, resource assignment and problem solving coordination. SQE在第4钻质量问题解决遇到困难,可上升到SQE经理进行支持,调动资源,协调解决。
- Dynamic resource allocation also allows grids to more seamlessly integrate into the enterprise fabric. 动态资源分配还允许网格可以更加无缝地集成到整个企业中。
- Only actuals for enterprise resource assignments can be protected. 只能保护企业资源分配的的实际值。
- If provisioning is the how of dynamic resource allocation, orchestration can be thought of as the why. 如果自动配置就是如何动态分配资源,那么编排就是思考为什么要这样分配。