- The boundary of dynamic security region (DSR) can be approximated as one or a few hyper planes (HPs). 动态安全域(DSR)的暂态稳定边界可以近似表示为超平面,由此提出了一种DSR的快速求解方法。
- Transaction security belongs to law's security and pertains to the category of dynamic security. 交易安全属于法的安全,其为动态安全之范畴。
- The paper provides An integrated direct method for power system dynamic security analysis, i.e., the PEBS/BCU method, is put forward in this paper. 提出一种用于电力系统动态安全分析的综合直接法,即 P E B S/ B C U 方法。
- PDSA provides a complete toolset of on-line dynamic security assessment for large-scale power system, based on parallel simulation platform. PDSA以并行计算平台作为运行支撑平台,提供了大区互联电网的在线动态安全评估和预警的整套工具包。
- A dynamic security region (DSR) that is defined in injection space is unique for a specific configuration and a given fault. 针对电力系统暂态稳定性而定义的注入空间上的动态安全域对于给定的事故及事故清除时间,它是唯一存在的。
- In power system dynamic security assessment, based on the PEBS/BCU method, the dominant methods for detecting the exit point across PEBS are the ray and gradient methods. 在电力系统动态安全分析中,基于能量函数的PEBS/BCU方法应用时,识别穿越PEBS界面的出口点方法包括射线法和梯度法。
- Main contents of this paper include: Dynamic Security Assessment(DSA),Wide Area Measurement System(WAMS) and Wide Area Control System(WACS),System restoration after a blackout. 评述广域测量系统及广域控制保护系统的构成、关键技术及应用领域,提出广域测量预警控制系统的概念。
- This paper introduced the main components and features of power system analysis software package(PSASP) Dynamic Security Assessment &Early Warning System of Power System (PDSA). 介绍了电力系统在线动态安全评估和预警系统(PDSA)的主要组成和功能。
- Basic concepts of reliability evaluation and probability dynamic security analysis (PDSA)in planning of AC/DC hybrid transmission systems are described in this paper. 阐述了在交直流并联输电系统规划中进行可靠性评估和概率动态安全分析的基本概念。
- Internet Explorer 7 has been designed to make everyday tasks easier, provide dynamic security protection and improve the development platform and manageability. Internet Explorer Internet Explorer 7 的设计宗旨是让日常工作更轻松,提供动态的安全防护功能以及增强开发平台和可管理性。
- One is static security assessment (SSA), the other is dynamic security assessment (DSA), and voltage security assessment (VSA) was included in SSA and DSA. 一直以来电力系统的安全性评估包括静态安全评估和动态安全评估,电压安全评估包含于这两大评估之内。
- End user improvements include a streamlined interface, tabbed browsing, printing advances, improved search functionality, instant feeds (RSS), dynamic security protection, and more. 针对最终用户的增强功能包括简化的界面、选项卡式浏览、打印的高级选项、改善的搜索功能、及时的新闻提要(RSS)、动态的安全防护等。
- The paper proposed the ANN and fuzzy theory method for the assessment of practical dynamic security regions (DSR) of power systems, and built the imitator for dynamic security regions and the fuzzy identifier based on fuzzy theory. 摘要在实用动态安全域的基础上提出了实用动态安全域的神经网络和模糊理论方法,构建了用于拟合动态安全域的ANN拟和器和用模糊理论在安全边界上构造一个模糊中间带的模糊识别器,并对该方法中的系统灵敏度和超平面度进行了分析。
- The fact of that the critical boundary of practical dynamic security region (PDSR) in real power systems can be described as one or a few hyper planes in injection space provides an effective tool for optimizing security control. 实际电力系统的实用动态安全域(practical dynamic security region,PDSR)的临界边界可表示为节点注入空间的一个或几个超平面,这为最优安全控制提供了有效的解析工具。
- With the method's advantages of effectiveness and fast speed, a software for determination of PDSR is developed then applied in a practical Dynamic Security Regions Based Probabilistic Security Analysis System. 截距法具有计算速度快、精度高、适应性强的特点,本文基于该方法开发了一套动态安全域计算软件,并将其应用于“河南电力系统保证暂态稳定的动态安全域与概率的动态安全分析系统”。
- Dynamic simulation is not only the basic tool for the analysis and control of power system dynamic security, but also the key reference for system operation in a power dispatching center. 电力系统动态仿真既是电力系统动态安全分析与控制的基本工具,也是电网调度部门指导电力生产的主要依据,因此,动态仿真的准确程度直接关系到电力系统的安全经济运行。
- Based on the quantizing ability of extended equal-area criterion(EEAC) ,a new method to build a dynamic security region(DSR) of electric power system in parameter space was proposed. 基于扩展等面积准则(EEAC)的量化能力,该文提出一种新的构建电力系统参数空间中动态安全域(DSR)的方法。
- Based on the quantizing ability of extended equal-area criterion(EEAC), a new method to build a dynamic security region(DSR) of electric power system in parameter space was proposed. 基于扩展等面积准则(EEAC)的量化能力,该文提出一种新的构建电力系统参数空间中动态安全域(DSR)的方法。
- Practical Dynamic Security Region Based Optimization of Security Cost, Proceedings of CIGRE Symposium on Development and Operation of Interconnections in a Restructuring Context, April, 2003. 基于实用动态安全域的电力系统最优安全性综合控制;已投中国电机工程学报.
- We are looking for dynamic persons to be salesmen. 我们正在寻找充满活力的销售人员。