- Soil dynamic parameters, including dynamic shear modulus ratio and damping ratio, have important effects on the earthquake response of soil layer. 摘要土动力学参数即土的动剪切模量比和阻尼比,对土层地震反应分析结果有重要影响。
- Furthermore,undisturbed samples of each layer soil are taken out,and the maximum dynamic shear modulus is obtained by laboratory cyclic simple shear tests. 此外,取出了场地各层土的原状土样,进行了室内循环单剪试验,获得了各层土的动剪模量,并与剪切波速的计算结果进行了比较分析。
- The effect of dynamic shear modulus ratio and damping ratio ofsoil on the earthquake responses of soil layers is presented in the paper by some examples, especially for the strong earthquake. 本文通过关便指出了不同的土动力特性经验关系对土层地震反应的分析结果将产生不同的影响,特别是对大震作用下的土层反应。
- Dynamic shear modulus of elasticity 动剪模量
- the maximum dynamic shear modulus 最大动剪切模量
- The surface wave propagation method was suitable for the measurement of dynamic shear moduli of particleboard. 不同方法测得的弹性模量值不同.但它们之间存在着一定的内在联系。
- Comparative Study of Dynamic Shear Modulus through Laboratory Experiments 场地土动剪模量的试验对比研究
- Experimental study on effect of shear strain accumulation on dynamic shear modulus and damping ratio of clay soil 应变累积对黏土动剪模量和阻尼比影响的试验研究
- Primary study on dynamic shear modulus and damping ratio of recently deposited soil in area of Nanjing 南京地区新近沉积土的动剪切模量和阻尼比的初步研究
- The equivalent dynamic shear modulus and equivalent damping ratio of rockfill material for dam 筑坝堆石料的等效动剪切模量与等效阻尼比
- Permanent Deformation Response of Asphalt Mixture to Generalized Dynamic Shear Modulus of Asphalt Binder 沥青混合料永久变形特性对结合料广义动态剪切模量的响应
- A Useful Procedure for Estimating the Dynamic Shear Modulus of Partially Saturated Cohesionless Soils 非饱和无粘性土动剪切模量的实用计算方法
- Nondestructive Testing of the Dynamic Shear Modulus of Elasticity for Particleboard 刨花板动态剪切弹性模量的无损检测
- Experimental Study on Dynamic Shear Modulus Ratio and Damping Ratio of the Soils from Tianjin Inshore Areas 天津滨海滩涂土动剪切模量比和动阻尼比试验
- Experimental Study on Dynamic Shear Modulus and Damping Ratio with Cyclic Simple Shear Tests 动剪模量和阻尼比的循环单剪试验研究
- Experimental studies on dynamic shear modulus ratio and damping ratio of recently deposited soils in Nanjing 南京新近沉积土动剪切模量比与阻尼比的试验研究
- Experiment and Application Studies on Dynamic Shear Modulus and Damping of Geotechnical Media 岩土动剪切模量阻尼试验及应用研究
- Experimental Study on Dynamic Shear Modulus Ratio and Damping Ratio of Recently Deposited Soils in the Lower Reaches of the Yangtze River 长江下游地区新近沉积土动剪切模量比和阻尼比的试验研究
- We can reasonably estimate the shear modulus if we know the P-wave modulus. 如果P波模量已知,我们可以合理地估算出剪切模量。