- She is unconcerned with school affairs. 她对学校的事毫无兴趣。
- He's in the section of school affairs. 他在学校的一个部门里工作。
- He took an active part in school affairs. 他积极主动参加学校里的活动。
- She takes an active part in school affairs. 她积极参加学校里的活动。
- Parents cannot help concerning themselves in school affairs. 家长不能不关心学校事务。
- Parents cannot help concerning themselves in school affairs . 家长不能不关心学校事务。
- Consider further promoting flexitime to allow parents more time for school affairs. 研究推广弹性工作时间,让家长可以多参与校务和家长会的活动。
- Extracted minutes of meetings of school affairs shall be published in two weeks to keep all members informed. 校务会议记录摘要应在两周内向全体成员公布。
- The Standing body for School Affairs Publicity in HNP is the School Union Commission of New Huangpu Experimental School. 校务公开工作的常设机构为:新黄浦实验学校工会委员会.
- Communication with students should be emphasized;Students engaged in schools affairs should be encouraged and how to exert students' mastership-ef... 强调与学生的对话,让学生参与学校事务,注重学生主体作用的发挥。
- She is unconcerned with school affairs 她对学校的事毫无兴趣。
- (management of school affairs system) 校务管理系统
- opening operation of school affairs 校务公开
- The line AB cuts the line DC at the point E. AB线和DC线在E点相交。
- The letter "e" in "mouse" is mute. “mouse”中的字母“e”不发音。
- opening school affairs to the public 校务公开
- The lines AB and CD intersect at E. 直线AB与直线CD相交於E点。
- The busy road outside the school is a menace. 学校外面那条车水马龙的大道是个危险之地。
- The line AB intersects the line CD at E. 直线AB与直线CD相交於E点。
- He was expelled from the school. 他被学校开除了。