- We expect the supply to come in early October. 估计十月初可能有货源。
- We expect the supply to comen in early October. 我们估计十月初可能有货源。
- Imagine three solid days and nights of conference sessions in Chicago in early October. 回想十月上旬在芝加哥开会的那三个日日夜夜。
- It was early October, but a crispiny frost had already stamped the maple trees with gold. 还是十月上旬,但初霜已经把枫叶染上了金黄。
- Since early October, it has been telecasting by their regular broadcasting station. 自从十月初的时候;此剧集己经在电视台播映了.
- By early October, Congress passed the Troubled Asset Relief Program, a rescue plan for the financial system. 到十月初,国会通过了问题资产缓解计划,是针对金融体系的解救计划。
- They have reinforced initiatives aired in early October by the G-22 and at the World Bank/IMF meetings in Washington,and more recently by the G-7. 他们肯定了十月初由二十二个经济体系所公布的、世界银行/国际货币基金组织在华盛顿举行的会议上所提出的,以及最近由七大工业国所提议的多项措施。
- The 2005 Nobel prize season opened in early October with the prize for medicine kicking off the annual series of prestigious awards. 新闻中说2005年诺贝尔奖揭晓是从医学奖开始的。
- They have reinforced initiatives aired in early October by the G-22 and at the World Bank/IMF meetings in Washington, and more recently by the G-7. 他们肯定了十月初由二十二个经济体系所公布的、世界银行/国际货币基金组织在华盛顿举行的会议上所提出的,以及最近由七大工业国所提议的多项措施。
- By the end of September or early October the tundra is dark and seems deserted; winter has taken hold of the arctic for another nine long months. 月底或10月初,苔原是黑暗的,似乎是一片荒芜;冬天在长达9个月的时光中又主宰了北极。
- Based on this experiment,it could be determined that the best covering time of winter composite turf inshanghai region was early October. 通过该试验可知在进行冬季复式草坪生产时,最好的覆膜时间为十月中上旬。
- But shortly after the financial rescue plan passed Congress in early October, a flood of economists came out against Paulson's plan. 但是在十月份早期金融援救计划在国会通过后不久,一帮经济学家出来反对泡尔桑的计划。
- Those controls prepared university officials for Gregoire's announcement in early October requiring 1 percent across-the-board cuts at state agencies. 这些控制措施为大学官员面对州长于十月初发布的公告作好了准备,这项公告称将对所有州立机构削减1%25的预算。
- Prodenia Litura reproduces six generations every year in Kunming, its harm peak is mainly from the late June to early October. 研究表明,在昆明地区斜纹夜蛾一年发生6代,危害高峰期主要在6月下旬至10月上旬。
- In early October, the International Security Advisory Board (ISAB) released a report touting the dangers of Chinese military expansion. 在10月初,国际安全顾问委员会(ISAB)发表的一份报告,宣称中国发展军事的危险性。
- In early October the United States sought to break the logjam by offering to significantly reduce its farm subsidies, provided that Europe and Japan matched the U.S. commitment. 10月初的时候,为了打破僵局,美国提出大幅度削减自己的农业补贴,条件是欧洲和日本也做出跟美国一样的承诺。
- In early October the Soviet-era hydrofoil on this trip shudders for 20 hours through a wilderness, banks of flaming birch broken only by the occasional fishing encampment. 这趟旅行发生在十月初,乘坐的是苏维埃时代的水翼船,一路震颤20小时,经过之处皆是荒野,河岸两旁是闪着白光、一成不变的白桦树,除了偶尔看到的钓鱼者的营地,成片的野鸭快速向南游去。
- Gone is the euphoria of late September and early October, when stockmarkets surged to new records, shrugging off the credit crunch and the spectre of a slowing American economy. 随着股票市场不顾紧缩的信贷以及疲弱的美国经济不断创下新的纪录,九月末十月初的振奋已经荡然无存。
- Adopt an uncharacteristically leisurely approach to this process now and when early October's Aries Full Moon brings numerous such matters to a head, you'll be ready to act swiftly. 从现在开始您应该从容地接受事情的进展因为十月初白羊宫的满月使您的多事之秋应该是做好准备的时候了。
- We started early in order to arrive before dark. 为了在天黑前到达,我们很早就动身了。