- He was trying to redeem himself for his earlier failure. 他试图挽回他早些时候的失败。
- The early failure phenomena of flyback transformer was discussed in this paper. 文章就回扫变压器的早期失效现象进行了探讨。
- His success obscured his earlier failures. 他的成功为他早先的失败遮了丑。
- Large area crack appearing on the surface of the aluminium alloy bakeware casting dies causes its early failure. 某厂铝合金烤盘压铸模因模面出现大面积龟裂而早期失效。
- Decking early failure has been become a big failure influenced on road use function and induced traffic accident. 桥面铺装的早期损坏已成为影响道路使用功能的发挥和诱发交通事故的一大病害。
- This article introduces the early failure mechanisms easily happened at the initial production startup stage of high amperage pre-baked cell. 阐述了大型预焙电解槽生产初期的特点,及易出现早期破损的机理。
- Moreover, the presence of adhesive improves bending resistance, meanwhile it results in an early failure of the extrusions at a small bending rotation and angle. 界面粘接提高了填充结构的抗弯刚度,但使结构易在较小转角下发生破坏。
- The combustion or detonation of hydrogen may cause early failure of the containment by thermal and pressure load imposed on RCB(reactor containment building). 地基熔穿、氢气燃烧或者爆炸产生的压力/温度载荷是安全壳失效的重要因素。
- The experience result showed that the ECU reliability solution is effective. Itcould filtrate the early failure products immediately, age and test the ECU for longtime, and determine the MTTF of ECU. 试验结果表明,ECU的可靠性试验方案是行之有效的,能够准确快速的筛选出早期失效产品,以及长时间的寿命老化试验,能够测定验证ECU的平均寿命。
- It is identified that the said early failure of the tubing resulted from the groove-like mechanical damage caused by the longitudinal abrasion by the sucker rod against the tubing inside surface and the joint corrosion by H 2 S,CO 2 and Cl. 指出了抽油杆沿管内壁纵向摩擦形成沟槽状机械损伤,以及H2S、CO2和Cl-共同腐蚀是造成油管早期失效的主要原因。
- The distortional control chart of early reliability was set up through analysis of the spindle distortional data before early failure examination,which was used to monitor spindle early reliability. 通过对数控机床主轴早期故障实验前采集的主轴变形数据的分析,建立了早期可靠性变形控制图,用来监控主轴早期可靠性。
- We started early in order to arrive before dark. 为了在天黑前到达,我们很早就动身了。
- By means of the scanning electronmicroscope, the author makes the comprehensive analysis of the early failure of cold die working and finds the direct factors causing cracks in the die. 作者借助于扫描电镜,对冷冲模早期失效进行了综合的分析,找出了引起模具开裂的直接因素。
- The high chromium cast steels are often used in the guiding roller of hot-rolling mil.However, as the guiding rollers often cause early failure, it results in huge economical losses. 摘要高铬铸钢在热轧机导向辊上的应用较多,但由于导向辊常常发生早期失效,造成很大的经济损失。
- The reason of early failure of die is analysed from heat treatment,pressure distribution on the deforming surface and extrusion speed,and the measures to prevent or reduce such failure are proposed. 模具的热处理、变形表面压力分布、挤压速度等角度分析了模具早期失效的原因,并提出了防止和减少模具早期失效的措施。
- By this method,the early failures of spindle can be found and eliminated,which improves the reliability of machine tool without damaging spindle. 根据对数据的分析,判断主轴是否存在故障,进而在不损坏机床主轴的前提下,消除主轴早期故障,提高机床可靠性。
- He come to the fore as a physicist at an early age. 他在早年就成了杰出的物理学家。
- I finished work unexpectedly early. 我的工作意外地提早做完。
- We will get up early and do some housework. 我们将早起并且做点家务。
- Forgive me so early to call up you please. 请原谅我这么早给你打电话。