- Early results indicate that the government will be returned to power. 早期的结果预示这个政府将重新执政。
- Early results on the photoelectric effect had not produced consistent results. 有关光电效应的早期实验,并未取得协调一致的结果。
- Some of the early results of these new methods have been included, and many more will surely appear in future editions. 有关这些新方法的某些初步成果已得到反映,预计在今后几版内会得到更多的反映。
- Indeed, no less a thinker than Pythagoras, he of hypotenuse fame, logged some impressive early results. 确实,没有一个思想家比毕达哥拉斯这个发现了勾股定律的人得出了更早更令人印象深刻的结论。
- She notes that many of the early results are intangible: for example, a new optimism bubbling up in churches and volunteer groups. 她注意到,大多数的早期效果是无形的:例如,在宗教和志愿者组织中出现了一种新的乐观主义。
- She says early results suggest that losing weight in the stomach area may help younger people who experience migraines, expecially especially women. 她指出,早期的研究结果表明,减少腹部脂肪也许对那些偏头痛患者有所帮助,尤其是女性。
- Early results showed that the vaccine not only failed to protect, it appeared to put some people at higher risk of infection. 初期结果显示,这种疫苗不但不能起保护作用,而且还会让人们处于更高的风险性感染中。
- "The early results are promising for anyone interested in using carbon nanotubes in biomedical applications," said Steen Curley, M.D. 这个研究发表在美国国家科学院会议录,附在注射纳单位24小时代谢。
- She says early results suggest that losing weight in the stomache stomach area may help younger people who experience migraines, especially women. 她说早期的结果显示胃部地区的减肥可以帮助体验过偏头痛的年经人们,特别是妇女。
- The other presidential candidate, Drazen Budisa, conceded defeat after early results showed that Mr Mesic was leading by a margin of 10%. 新领导人发誓要推进克罗地亚加入欧盟和北约的进程、约束总统权力和清除腐败。
- He She says early results suggest that losing weight in this Danmark the stomach area may help younger people who experience migraines, especially women. 她说早期的研究结果表明减胃部的肥可能对有偏头痛的人特别是妇女有帮助。
- Either overprotection or constant scolding from parents can early result in the self-contempt of children, then social-phobia occurs. 父母的过度保护或是不断指责,容易使孩子的自我评价降低,从而引发社交恐惧。
- The early results of Kenya's prototype village, in Sauri in western Kenya, where two-thirds of the people, Luos, live on less than $1 a day, are astonishing. 他们在肯尼亚西部的萨乌里的一个模范村落里进行了试验,那里住着的三分之二的罗部落人民每天花销还不到1美元,而初期试验结果让人惊喜不已。
- She says early results suggested suggest that lossing losing weight in the stomach area may help younger people who experience migraines, especially women. 她表示,前期结果表明年轻人,尤其是年轻女性,减少腹部脂肪也许对偏头痛有所帮助。
- McInerney acknowledges that such systematic studies have not yet been conducted, but the early results have prompted him and other scientists to begin them. 麦金奈尼承认,还没有人做过有系统的研究,不过初步结果让他与其他科学家开始著手进行这方面的研究。
- We started early in order to arrive before dark. 为了在天黑前到达,我们很早就动身了。
- Rokkanen P,Bostman O,Vainioppaa S.Biodegradabale implants infracture fixation:early results of treatment of fracture of the ankle[J].Lancet,1985,1:1422. 刘尚礼;赖权;宋耿铨.;应用可吸收内固定接骨器件治疗骨折的临床研究[J]
- Early results proed embolization to be a unique, potentially effectie way of dealing with large giant-cell tumors that may proe difficult to surgically resect. 初步结果表明栓塞可能是治疗无法外科切除的巨大骨巨细胞瘤的一种独特的、可能有效的方法。
- LeeJD,Dang CR,Taoka S,et al. Coronary artery bypass grafting performed with or without a bypass pump : early results[J]. Hawaii Med J,2000,59(2) : 54-56. 阎秀娟郑惠俊等.;全动脉化冠状动脉搭桥术的护理配合[J]
- Early results give some promise for success in teasing out the linkages among the tightly coupled systems that shape the climate of the Arctic and thus the earth. 初期的成果显示,对于塑造北极甚而全球气候的复杂互动系统,我们有希望成功整理出其中的连结关系。