- earnings capitalized value 收益的资本化价值
- The capitalized value of leases and leasehold improvements included in property, plant, and equipment. 在资本价值的租赁和租赁物的改良包括在财产,厂房和设备。
- Estimate the capital value of (a company) at an unreasonably or unlawfully high level. 不合理地或不恰当地过高地估计了(一个公司)的实际的资本价值。
- Shortage of supply pushed the capital value up to an average of US$1,2 in Q1 2007. 供不应求的状况反映在销售市场。2007年第一季度甲级写字楼的平均售价在第一季度达到美元1,2。
- A dual incentive regime must be instituted, combining the benefits of resources development and capitalized values to attract a diversity of investors in national land and resources development. 建立资源开发收益与资产化价值共享的双重激励机制,形成国土资源开发投资主体多元化。
- Is women's human capital valued more by markets than by planners? 市场比计划更看重女性人力资本?
- Definite property rights, permanent or long term: Without property rights, there is no basis for determining capital value. 定义产权,永久或者长期:没有产权就无法决定价值。
- Definite property rights, permanent or long.term: Without property rights, there is no basis for determining capital value. 定义产权,永久或者长期:没有产权就无法决定价值。
- My extra earnings came in very handy. 我的额外收入可备我不时之需。
- A dual incentive regime must be instituted,combining the benefits of resources development and capitalized values to attract a diversity of investors in national land and resources development. 建立资源开发收益与资产化价值共享的双重激励机制,形成国土资源开发投资主体多元化。
- She capitalized on her opponent's mistake and won the game. 她利用了她对手的失误赢得了比赛。
- How much money I earn is none of your concern. 我挣多少钱与你无关。
- Tax Base: Capital value of all land, without buildings, timber, plants, or structures, including land owned by governments. 税收对象:所有土地的价值,除去建筑,树木,植被或者结构,包括政府所有土地。
- As a result, it can credibly fulfil its promise to households to supply highly liquid claims with little price or capital value risk. 当然也就能够保证他们对个体储户的承诺:提供低额低资本风险的高流动资金债权。
- I am going to teach until my son can earn money. 我教书要教到我儿子能够赚钱。
- A little crack detracts from the value of the vase. 小小的裂痕减损那个花瓶的价值。
- He's trebled his earnings in two years. 他两年间收入已增加两倍。
- Their earnings are adequate to their needs. 他们挣的钱够用了。
- Finns purpose add capital value from assets restructuring.The demonstrations on assets restructuring showed Chinese public firms tended to expand their size. 从对上市公司资产重组的实证研究中表明,中国的上市公司有明显的扩张倾向;
- I can't say offhand how much money I earn. 我一下子说不上来我挣多少钱。