- The gap between school training and work training is, indeed, one of the greatest failures of the British system. "In general schools don't want to know anything to do with the world at work, " says Mr Hayes. 学校训练和工作训练之间的差距确实是英国制度方面的一个最大失败。“一般地说,学校不想了解任何与工作中的人们有关的情况,”海斯先生说。
- The gap between school training and work training is,indeed,one of the greatest failures of the British system. 学校训练和工作训练之间的差距确实是英国制度方面的一个最大失败。“一般地说,学校不想了解任何与工作中的人们有关的情况,”海斯先生说。
- This card represents the issues you are addressing to master a state of divine union in which body, soul and earth work together in collaboration. 这张卡片代表了你正在处理以掌握神性联盟状态(从中身体、灵魂和地球在合作中一起工作)的问题。
- The one door new style geotechnique of the recent earth work reinforcement technology yes near thirty in the last year develop arisen. 现代土工加筋技术是近三十年来发展起来的一门新型土工技术。
- Among the membership, there are 42 mutual help groups, 7 organizations formed by professionals, 6 tertiary institutions providing social work training and 2 foundations. 会员机构中,有42个自助组织、7个专业人士团体、6个社工训练院校,以及2个基金会。
- For open spread foundation, the pit is excavated by excavators for earth work with manpower to trim the side slope and build the ditch on top of base pit. 明挖扩大基础基坑开挖时,土方采用挖掘机开挖,并由人工配合进行边坡修理、基坑顶面排水沟的修建等辅助工作。
- By July this year, the project had completed 186.97 million cubic meters of stone and earth work, refilled 78.54 million cubic meters of earth and stone, poured 21.12 million cubic meters of cement, and installed 109,700 metal structures. 截至今年7月共完成土石方18697万立方米,回填土石方7854万立方米,混凝土浇筑2112万立方米,金属结构10.;97万吨。
- The gap between school training and work training is, indeed, one of the greatest failures of the British system." In general schools don't want to know anything to do with the world at work, " says Mr Hayes. 学校训练和工作训练之间的差距确实是英国制度方面的一个最大失败。“一般地说,学校不想了解任何与工作中的人们有关的情况,”海斯先生说。
- The gap between school training and work training is, indeed, one of the greatest failures of the British system."In general schools do not want to know anything to do with the world at work, " says Mr Hayes. 学校训练和工作训练之间的差距确实是英国制度方面的一个最大失败。“一般地说,学校不想了解任何与工作中的人们有关的情况,”海斯先生说。
- The least square method was used to fit the ground level line into a bidirectional lateral grade, and then to calculate the cross-sectional areas of earth work, effectively ensuring the calculation accuracy together with improving the calculation speed. 采用最小二乘法将地面线拟合成双向横坡来计算各断面的填挖方面积,提高计算速度的同时,有效保证了计算精度。
- In earth work of art, sculpture is not to place in landscape, the artist applies land, rock, water, tree and other data and od to wait will model, change already some landscape spaces. 在大地艺术作品中,雕塑不是放置在景观里,艺术家运用土地、岩石、水、树木和其他材料以及自然力等来塑造、改变已有的景观空间。
- Weren't most of the professionals now at work trained in the first 17 years after 1949? 我们现在的人才,大部分还不是十七年培养出来的?
- In Europe, the life is quite free, when work trains the competition, does not work when drives out eats meal, strolls. 在欧洲,生活比较自由,工作时训练比赛,不工作时开车出去吃饭, 闲逛。
- Our pilotless rocket enters the track of the earth. 我们把一个无人驾驶的火箭送入了地球的轨道里。
- The Centre has 13 staff members and 6 of which are social work trained officers responsible for resource development and the promotion of FLE. 中心共有职员13人,其中6名是曾接受社会工作专业训练的人员,负责资源发展和宣传推广工作。
- HSE Training of Special Work Training 特种作业培训中HSE知识的培训
- The attraction of the moon for the earth causes the tides. 月球对地球的吸引力造成潮汐。
- Mechanization of earth work construction machinery 土方工程机械化施工管理
- National Institute for Social Work Training 年,成立英国社会工作训练研究所
- The earth is only a speck in the universe. 地球在宇宙中只不过是一个小点罢了。