- earth quake wave 地震波
- The earth quake shut many factories down. 地震使好多工厂停业。
- A large earth quake will strike the north coast. 一场大地震将袭击北海岸。
- An earth quake is a shaking or trembling of most. 地震就是剧烈摇动或震动。
- Earth quake can result from stress in the earth's crust. 地壳内的应力可能引起地震。
- The vibrations accompanying the rebound are the earth quake. 伴随这种回弹的振动就是地震。
- Were you in He Bei Province at the time of the big earth quake? 大地震发生时你在河北省吗?
- Deeping Mourning for Victims of Wenchuan Earth Quake! 为四川汶川地震遇难者默哀!
- Did you know that there were bad fires as a result of the earth quake? 你是否知道由于地震的缘故,因而发生了严重的火灾。
- Earth quakes can result from stresses in the earth's crust. 地壳内的应力可能引起地震。
- The earth quaked under their feet. 大地在他的脚下震动。
- The earth quake results from the sudden release of accumulated energy for years at the earth. 地震是源自于地球多年来所积累的能量短暂而突然的释放。
- When the cannon was fired, the earth quaked. 当开炮时,地在震动。
- While we were having an English lesson yesterday, there was a slight earth quake. 昨天当我们在上英语课时,发生了轻微的地震。
- In the earth quake of wenchuan China,a lot of children lost their parents and became orphans in distance. 在中国汶川大地震中,有很多孩子在瞬间失去了双亲成为了孤儿。
- Natural Calamities:- In Case of any natural calamities, like, Cyclone, flood, Earth Quake this agreement will not come in to effect. 不可抗拒力:如遇飓风、洪水、地震等自然灾害,则此协议无效。
- I rushed out my house just with my sleeping suit 5 mintutes ago! It was 1:03am. An earth quake happened in Leicester, UK. 5分钟前;我穿着睡衣冲到了马路上.;当时是英国时间1点03分;英国莱斯特市发生地震
- He survived the earth quake in 1976, in which above 200, 000 people were killed and the loss in material totaled billions of US dollars. 他在1976年发生的那次地震中幸存了下来。在那次地震中,有20多万人遇难,物资损失多达数十亿美圆。
- Earth quakes can result from stresses in the earth rs crust. 地壳内的应力可能引起地震。
- The earth quaked, so much so that all the windows were broken. 大地震动了一下,以致以所有的窗子都被震碎了。